Sunday, September 5, 2021

Love Letter From Jesus

My Precious Child...

I see the terrible pain that is hurting you in such a great way...
A heavy, and most unwanted burden that weighs you down so completely
It brings sadness to my heart more than words can ever truly say
And ignites such great compassion and tender mercy so deep within me.

I open my hands wide as my love begins to flow abundantly...
Bringing peace and showing how much I adore you my dear child and do care
I'm taking all of your pain and real sorrow and placing it on me
Spreading such healing, restoration and promise, with grace everywhere.

I am your Saviour and I created you uniquely with a divine plan...
You never have to be stressed, burdened or greatly conflicted any more
Just have great faith and trust everything into my perfect hands
Knowing that blessings and wonderful miracles will flow from Heavens door.

I love you so much my precious child with a love so pure and so true...
It's a mighty love that's never ending and surrounds you like a shield
It is a foundation that will give you strength and happiness so brand new
And provide you with my power that will restore you and help you to heal!

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