Sunday, January 30, 2022

There's Mercy At Love's Door


A ❤ heart tired out by life's pathway goes in search of something more...
A beautiful source with the hope and adventure it will bring
There's peace and new promise illuminating from Heavens door
A curious ❤ heart reaches out in search of everything.

A gentle spirit extends with care like a shelter from rain...
And soothing grace comes forth like a perfect rainbow all around
A healing spirit like oil seems to flow and take the pain
Bringing a rain shower of joy like no other can be found.

Suddenly, a Saviors hands open wide and with such greatness...
There is compassion, forgiveness with happiness and much more
Great peace flows from a Father's ❤ heart for all things to be blessed
Pure, perfect mercy can always be found at love's mighty 🚪 door.

Now, a troubled heart has found its home and new 👣 footsteps at best...
A spirit has found new life in it for all eternity
Come to the Lord with all your ❤ heart and he'll take care of the rest
By His power you are a new person more than you can see.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Keep Taking One More Step

My Jesus...

When I look at all that's around me my ❤ heart falters in so many ways...
I can't see anything else but the burdens and pain that are upon me
I don't see any avenues to finding a solution to this maze
Sometimes I want to stop taking steps because there's nothing more I can see.

But, then the light of your presence surrounds me with comfort that is so pure...
You place within me a greater strength and ruggedness than ever before
And when I rest completely within your arms you will help me to endure
Finding all that I will ever need from your heart flowing from Heavens door.

It all comes with a special key called Faith that you sharpen so perfectly...
Teaching me to completely rest in you and not do things by my own will
Knowing that you are in control. Working. even though I may not fully see
You want me with my heart to believe and with 'faith' just look up and 'be still'.

For by your word you can never fail, or disappoint any hearts at all...
So you want me to place my hands in yours, look to you and take another 🚶 step
You're right there beside me, holding me up and 💘 loving when I call
I should never give up, but know that as a team we are such great success!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Project Promise

     Jason is really excited about the new project that his teacher presented to the class.  It counts for one third of the final grade.  Now that he is in his final year of grade school he wanted to shine brightly.

     But, even more exciting is that the winner would be posted in the school newspaper.  Jason thought about it all.  He didn't want to do something just to be famous.

     He wanted it to be something that would make a difference.  So, on Sunday after church, Jason talked to his Pastor about it.

     Together they joined hands and asked the Lord for guidance.  The Pastor told him to listen carefully for the Lord's voice.

     Jason went home and prayed with intensity that entire week.  One morning he overheard his parents talking about an elderly woman in their neighborhood.

    She had no one.  Her kids abandoned her.  Her yard was in need of t l c.  Jason felt an immediate tugging at his heart.  He knew with certainty that somehow his project would begin by helping this gentle soul.

    So, he formed a determined team of friends from church and school.  Together, they got her yard in shape and worked on the inside as well.

    They all took turns to stop by and talk with her and help wherever else needed.  They even took her to church and were delighted when she was saved.

     Jason knew now what his project would be.  It was one that he hoped for that would make a difference.  He and the team reached out to others .

    But, when Jason presented his project to the class and for the contest he was disqualified.  His teacher told him that he couldn't mention God in any way.

     But, Jason knew that wasn't right.  He had to stand up for his beliefs and the God he adored and was everything to him.

     He and his parents filed a complaint with the state and won.  Jason and his team continued with his project and now new business. Project. Promise.

    He could feel God's love so intensely at work.  He won the school project contest and went national.  He was on television.

    Many lives were being helped.  But, one of the greatest moments was when his teacher came to apologize and was saved.

    Jason looked up, smiled, and said... 'How can I say thank you enough?'

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Seeking A Field


I want to make a difference for your Kingdoms glory today.....
Be a light of hope and show others what you truly mean to me
I want to be a joy and find purpose in every way
Lord begin working and create a masterpiece so @lovingly.

I want my words to be your words that you would truly make known.....
Let all that I see and hear be a true reflection Lord from you
And may all of the places where you are be where my roots are sown
Lord you are the guiding hand that covers me and sees me through.

Lord when I want to find my path I first come humbly to your door.....
And you will make me your vessel always equipped with what I'll need
I'll find that all of the amazing things I'll need will be in store
Lord make me your instrument ready for the mission to please.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Each Precious Moment

My Jesus...

As I sit and watch the wonders of the day some things become clearer to me...
Just how fragile everything is according to your will and perfect mighty plan
Every moment of life is a gift of hope that disappears quickly
It must be cherished and lived to the fullest as only a true grateful heart can.

We worry about things and become filled with anxiety burdens and great fear...
Denying ourselves the true happiness joy and perfect peace that comes from you
Cheating ourselves out of the gift of promise that you have given us to hold so dear
Precious Jesus we don't want to waste the wonderful gift that is valued and true.

We are sorry and want to make the most of every moment in every way...
For it is a dear fragile gift from your heart that will never come again
Our hearts want to rejoice and exhaultation you with excitement and love each and every day
I want to make the most out of this precious gift I'm given until the true end.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Beauty Of Tomorrow


The moments of each day are like sand in an hour glass...
Fragile and unpredictable going somewhere with zest
Trying to start the next page in life's story that would last
But losing grasp on promise and real hope at its true best.

The heart becomes stressed at trying to predict everything...
Watching the grains of sand and not knowing what each page shows
It wants only the very best of what each moment brings
But realizes there's a lot of uncertainty that's known.

Suddenly a real beauty begins to shine bright and true...
It's a wonder like no one has ever seen quite before
A breathtaking bright light that has strong energy that's powerful and new
It mesmirizes the spirit with hope as it flows from Heavens door.

It is a beauty so incredible and grand to ever fully explain...
A pure love so unique and forever amazing beyond total compare
It's all about a caring Saviour working diligently for your sweet gain
And making a solemn promise that no matter what He will always be there.

So don't look at the passage of time or worry about what the day will bring...
Focus on everything that really matters and who can truly see you through
His presence within your heart will truly make your spirit come alive and sing
Worship your Saviour and trust in Him through each moment of time and each day through!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Sweet Jesus...

When I'm looking for great promise and new hope, sometimes it's so hard to see...
To view things with a clear understanding and a concise message so true
Lord, I have trouble knowing that your precious, pure love is all around me
Your perfect love and pure grace will be with me in all things that I may say or do.

I need to come before you with a humbled heart of desire and trust...
Knowing that you have my best interest and will take care of it all
Not doubting your word at any moment and following you is a must
For your help and blessing to the greatest degree will be there when I call.

I have found all that I have been searching within your precious heart and more...
You are my Saviour, my best friend, all that I imagine, my everything
It just takes one sturdy knock of desire at your Kingdoms great door
And behold I find the blessings that you my promise and sweet hope will bring.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

A New Year's Foundation

My Saviour.....

As I prepare to place my foot upon a brand new pathway with love...
I stop to reflect upon everything that is important and best
So I pledge my life to you and look for your wisdom and joy above
I take your hand and step forward seeking peace, delight, and all things blessed.

I need a foundation of faith that is trustworthy, rugged and true...
And look to you for strength and endurance as your love is mine for all
To give me a great anchor of promise and hope in all that I do
And to be my mighty shelter and fortress whenever I may call.

Jesus you are my new years foundation so great to last for all time...
For there is nothing better than what comes directly from your sweet heart
As I am searching for perfection it's only in you that I'll find
A beautiful meaningful journey with you always right from the start!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...