Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Beauty Of Tomorrow


The moments of each day are like sand in an hour glass...
Fragile and unpredictable going somewhere with zest
Trying to start the next page in life's story that would last
But losing grasp on promise and real hope at its true best.

The heart becomes stressed at trying to predict everything...
Watching the grains of sand and not knowing what each page shows
It wants only the very best of what each moment brings
But realizes there's a lot of uncertainty that's known.

Suddenly a real beauty begins to shine bright and true...
It's a wonder like no one has ever seen quite before
A breathtaking bright light that has strong energy that's powerful and new
It mesmirizes the spirit with hope as it flows from Heavens door.

It is a beauty so incredible and grand to ever fully explain...
A pure love so unique and forever amazing beyond total compare
It's all about a caring Saviour working diligently for your sweet gain
And making a solemn promise that no matter what He will always be there.

So don't look at the passage of time or worry about what the day will bring...
Focus on everything that really matters and who can truly see you through
His presence within your heart will truly make your spirit come alive and sing
Worship your Saviour and trust in Him through each moment of time and each day through!

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