Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Don't Give Up


Help me to never lose hope, and to always see the light,
The beauty of your awesome love that is forever there
Even though the path is rugged, help me with all my might
to continue on with strength because you so greatly care.

I can do any thing because you are right there for me
You lift me up and help me throughout each step of the way
When I want to quit, your encouragement comes so perfectly
to lead me to an exciting and brighter, brand new day.

So, Father, I pledge to never give up at any time,
I will look to you for strength, and happiness from your hands
It is in you, where all of the greatest things I will find
I know that you have dynamic promise and an awesome plan!


Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Restoration Miracle


The pain that is overwhelming me now is becoming more than I can bear...
I feel so horrible like I'm breaking down quickly within my very core
I feel so worthless like a failure and useless like no one really does care
My heart is shattering looking for any great promise that maybe in store.

A strong fountain of tears from great worry, stress and damaging fear are falling...
You are devastating and hurt by the devastating forces that are attacking me
You truly desire rebuilding and all the great things a life with you brings
And open your arms of promise with love and grace, so caringly.

You embrace me and surround me teaching me to let go of all things that are not you...
Helping to stand strong on the foundation of hope that we will always share
All I have to do is simply rest in you in everything that I do
And through faithfulness you will always take all of my burdens and always be right there.

And now we begin our new journey as I take a step with you on our pathway...
I promise to keep my heart and spirit always focused on you with all might
For you my Jesus are my light and my wisdom that I need for each new day
The thought of becoming a new person in you brings me delight!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Greatest Step In Time


The very essence of all that I am I bestow unto your great hands...
Asking you to take my brokenness and make a masterpiece that is whole
I kneel before you and give you my humbled heart waiting for your great plans
Waiting upon your mercy to heal the pain that has taken it's great toll.

I am a sinner asking for forgiveness and know I've been made brand new...
Your grace and the light of your perfect love have cleansed me in every way
I take your hand with my heart watching yours in everything I do
You are my lighthouse of guidance and inspiration Lord every day.

I will live for you and tell everyone that I am your child so true...
My yearning spirit will sing of your goodness and love Lord forevermore
I want everyone to see your great power no matter what I may do
There's excitement, 💘 love and powerful praise that is building at Heavens door#

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Light Of Life

My Jesus...

You are the light that brings exceptional hope to each otherwise dismal day...
The breathtakingly beautiful happiness that sets my heart ablaze with fire
The blaze of an eternal spirit that moves throughout me in a mighty way
Spreading your power and endurance for the greatest things which I do admire.

1You are the guiding force that directs my feet upon your pathway so true...
My source of promise that keeps me suited in rugged faith and genuine love
Keeping my heart and spirit focused on only the real things in all I do
Realizing that what truly matters can only come down with grace from above.

I am learning new things at your feet Lord with delight and joy every day...
Your Instrument and being prepared to serve you on a mission so great
I give you my heart and all that I am take my hand Lord we're on the way
A dynamic team to change the world for Jesus let's mark this important date!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Easter 🙏 Prayer

My Lord...

Thank you for the Easter story that started so many years ago...
A breathtaking real saga of beautiful, pure and unending 💘 love
A special time when the greatest 🎁 gift for all eternity would show
And exhibit the great mercy and power of our sweet God above.

Thank you that you were willing to go the extra mile for all time...
Making an unheard of real sacrifice for all of the world to see
🚶 Stepping in the gap so a great place with you we would always find
Walking on Heavens majestic shores, by your side for eternity.

So in every Easter 🙏 prayer we give praise and honor to you and more...
Your magnificent sacrifice will never go unnoticed at all
Your bestowed gift and presence will be at the center of our hearts core
Lord thank you for all that you do and for being there when we may call!

A Symbol of Love (The Cross of Calvary)
An Easter Prayer ***********

My Lord:

There is a stillness in my heart as I walk across the floor
and stand so quietly in awe of this majestic sight
Something wonderful builds inside of me and I yearn for more
As I draw in much closer with all of my love and might.

Tears begin to form in my eyes and trickle down my face
When I think of all the pain that you suffered just for me
A mighty promise was formed at this very place
That shaped the meaning of pure love for all eternity.

Your forgiving heart wove a beautiful spot just for me
My Savior, a treasured gift that I so greatly cherish
Your love fills me looking at this symbol of hope's beauty
May I always be humbled by its meaning is my wish.


Friday, April 15, 2022

The Greatest 🎖 Honor

My Precious Jesus...

When I stop to think about the greatest sacrifice made throughout time...
The wondrous presentation of 💘 love and strength to its highest degree
I look at the most breathtaking source of beauty that I'll ever find
And become humbled and so eternally grateful that it includes me.

You love me so much that you gave your own life that I might be forgiven...
You hold me close and call me your beloved child whom you adore
Just knowing that I am   important to you Lord keeps me so driven
This knowledge keeps me inspired, encouraged and reaching out for more.

You are my lifeline that fuels my every 🚶 step along life's pathway...
You gave it all so that our 💕 hearts could be together and happy
I thank you for the gift of my soul rooted in you every day
Thank you for the breathtaking 🎁 gift so that all men can now be set free!.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Hello, My Friend!

I want to tell you how much I adore your great patience with me...
You are always there to grant me such valuable time in your day
You are always ready to forgive with beautiful, sweet mercy
And ❤ caring to sit and listen attentively to what I say.

Your heart is forgiving and always ready to start again new...
Your compassion for my endeavors gives me hope, promise and more
I am always assumed you're with me in everything I do
🚶 Walking beside me with inspiration through every door.

Your breathtaking heart is always open and filled with 💘 love and grace...
The powerful light of your presence just completely surrounds me
I know that I can be successful in any part of this race
Because our friendship is a great bond that always helps me to see.

You are truly my best friend and everything I need and much more...
I can't even think about one minute without thinking about you
You are my perfect lifeline and everything I yearn for
My Jesus, you are my true best friend today and my whole life through!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Morning Glory

Dear Jesus...

As I sit and look out upon the great beauty that is laid out before me...
The brilliance of the morning sky, and the colors. and fragrant smells so true
I am in total awe at the perfection that I so plainly see
I just want to be a part of its splendor and give thanks in all I do.

The cool breeze that overflows me and gives me such perfect peace and real rest...
The 🌞 bright sun that touches me and brings such warmth and great comfort to my soul
The great sounds and brilliant colors that enlighten me and bring such happiness
It all is an umpiring gift for my spirit and makes me strong and whole.

So I look upon this brilliant picture window fun filled day...
And I realize that you open your heart and let all things that are you begin to fall
Your 💘 love and grace are all around me working in so many 😂 joyous ways
My Jesus thank you for your blessings and your mighty sweet bond through it all

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Believers Promise

Precious Jesus...

Your footprints are powerfully near me as I travel along my pathway...
I am traveling with joy in my 🚶 step holding our sweet bond Lord so dear
But then the skies begin to darken and there's a ☁ cloudy look to the day
Suddenly I am filled with great stress and burdened by such powerful fear.

I am filled with such great doubt and uncertainty as I look all around...
I have no knowledge of what the solution is or what I should do
This is the perfect time when your greatest mercy and forgiveness abounds
Your voice clearly speaks to my ❤ heart that your mighty love will see me through.

You have always been there for me through every 🚶 step and in every mile...
Yet I have managed to forget that major detail along my pathway
When the weather quickly changes I manage to lose hope, joy and my bright 😃 smile
But you are effectively bringing me back to a new and brighter day.

You are teaching me to be a warrior of promise in your great hand...
Always having faith and trust in your great power in all that I may do
Never doubting that you will take care of it all and have a mighty plan
Jesus I am your work in progress come create a masterpiece so true!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...