Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Prayer


You are the joy that brings my heart delight and helps me to live better every day...
The breathtaking example for me to strive to follow in all I do
I pray to follow your steps and learn your perfect will and love in every way
Lord as I travel through my journey I want to be exactly like you.

There is nothing that will take its permanent hold on me and be a burden...
For you have taken me under your wing and gently wrapped me in your great care
Having you taking care of me I'll be successful it's just a matter of when
Your precious peace and comfort have filled my heart and your grace will always be there.

So now I continue to pray that your incredible hands will work on me more...
Making me a beautiful reflection of who you are and your love so perfectly
Make me a masterpiece and save me a place where I can meet you on Heavens shore
Where I can be the beautiful light and reflection and all that you want me to be

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