Friday, October 21, 2022

Perfect Patience

My Jesus.....

Your patience is a breathtaking gift that I value more than words can say...
It is a precious joy from my Saviour to His child so beloved
It is always in mighty abundance and there for me every day
Overflowing from Your heart of wonder and majesty from above.

I know I don't deserve anything because I'm disappointing yes it's true...
I'm a broken imperfect vessel who's coming before your great throne
But then your light of Grace and Love shine and I see the very best of You
That is when my heart knows without any doubt that I am never alone.

You pick me up and look at me with a beautiful smile on your face...
As I hear Your voice telling me that my pathway will be fine forevermore
Your anointing begins to cleanse me while I am in your sweet embrace
And miracles and blessings begin to flow mightily from Heavens great door.

Step by step You're working to make me all that you truly want me to be...
I could see the artistic work of a Master Craftsman greatly each day
Jesus thank You for Your patience, grace and love and for living in me
I am honored to be Your child and want to please You more every day!

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