Friday, December 30, 2022

🚶 Stepping On ... A Prayer Of Hope

Dear Jesus.....

As I watch the footsteps of time melt away, I begin to view at best...
All of the things that are real in my ❤ heart that I truly value and hold dear
These are the things that really matter from your heart that make me feel so blessed
And your abundant perfect love and anointing that I always keep near.

When I think of the walk along my pathway faithfully from mile to mile...
I warmly think of and reflect upon all of the moments we've shared
And at the points I couldn't make it you carried me with a big smile
Showing me I can lean on you and just how much you truly care.

So now as time changes and we begin another great pathway again...
I don't have to wonder, be curious at all or even doubt
For I know that you're my Saviour who'll take care of me and my best friend
That's what a great faith walk and our relationship forever is all about!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Beautiful Grace

My Jesus...

When I think about all of the wonder that overflows from your heart of great love...
I stop in awe of all that you are and all that you give so abundantly
You are my beautiful refreshing source that overflows from Heaven above
My best friend and true lifeline that is always there every day just for me.

I can always come before you every moment exactly as I am...
I can always find compassion and forgiveness that is brand new
You always have all things wonderful in your heart and everything in your hands
All I have to do is pledge my ❤ heart and with full willingness Lord lean on You.

Your grace is like a beautiful stained glass window breathtaking and fragile too...
Yet it's rugged and durable to accomplish all things you want it to be
Lord I give all honor praise and Thanksgiving right now from my heart's core unto you
I want you to know just how much your sweet grace and presence truly mean to me!

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Greatest 🎁 Gift Of All

The greatest 🎁 gift of all is worth more than any ❤ he art could dream...
Yet it's always available free in the grandest variety
A gift that gives back a trillion times and is more than it may seem
Yet it's simple and straight forward for all of mankind to clearly see.

It's based on the purest genuine love that has no limits or boundaries...
The greatest real definition of mercy and compassion so true
A Saviours ❤ heart filled with patience and understanding so perfectly
His glory can make every aching day refreshing and new.
He sent His Son to come to 🌎 earth so that all can have a fresh start
And have a future filled with purpose and hope with Him leading the way
Then he'll take a special place each step within the center of their heart
And he will show them wondrous blessings that bring a Jesus filled new day.
Have you heard about salvation the greatest gift that you can possess
If you haven't will you ask Jesus for this most precious gift right now
He'll give you eternal love tranquility and pure happiness
It's simple to learn and understand and he will teach you and show you how.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

I Exhault You And Lift You On High

My Jesus...

How can I thank You enough for always being there...
You are working so hard for me in every way
Sometimes I may feel so alone like no one does care
That's when You work even harder every day.

You're paving roads with Your grace that I can't see at all...
Shielding me with Your power like armor from above
Equipping me with Your wisdom and strength to stand tall
And showering me with Your perfect, limitless love.

Being everything I'll ever need and so much more...
You are my best friend who encourages me so true
I can see an overflow from Heavens mighty shore
My sweet Jesus I am nothing at all without You!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Every New 🌞 Sonrise

Precious Jesus...

You are the reason my spirit tries a little harder a long the way...
My source of encouragement to keep me in the right direction with delight
You are the Son that brings new inspiration on a brighter wondrous new day
The brilliant energy of love that helps me to function with such great might.

You are the Son that sheds .canew light on all of the mighty things around...
The source of everything that uplifted my soul and makes it all seem brand new
You are the power of my heart from which new life will always be found
My Jesus I lift all that I am in great adoration unto You.

You are my Sonrise that brightens up every part of each brand new day...
Therefore considering I have this great foundation to stand on so strong
I give thanks and sing praises to you my Saviour in every possible way
You are my awesome Sonrise that will shine upon me my whole life long!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Prayer Of Adoration

My Jesus...

You are the sweet breath of life that fills me to overflowing every day...
You are the majestic song of hope and promise that makes my spirit soar
The perfect peace that helps my soul cope with everything
The pure joy and happiness that always keeps my heart coming back for more.

Jesus you're the best friend that stays by my side and lights up my heart with happiness...
My Saviour who never gives up on me and shows His love with a caring hand
My Provider with everything I will need to be my very best
You're my Mentor and King who has it all under His great command.

My Jesus I give my best to you and seek wisdom for every day...
I know you'll equip me to be your instrument wherever I go
I want to be your vessel and exhault your mighty name in every way
My strong desire is for more of your anointing to be bestowed.

Standing Strong

My Jesus.....

As I take another 🚶 step it looks like there's a storm brewing outside...
The uncertainty in my ❤ he art makes me want to go far far away
And find another place where my spirit can hopefully abide
Enjoying perfect peace and comfort till a much newer and brighter day.

But then your mighty heart reaches down to give me a lesson so true...
Showing me all of the things I'll need every day without a doubt
The greatest of these is a rugged faith and relationship with you
And all the important tools from your ❤ heart that I cannot live without.

My faith is the powerful key from which all the others will take hold...
It shows how much we mean to each other in every possible way
It is a dynamic life plan with great miracles and joy untold
Showing that I trust you and will live for you throughout every day.

So the greatest lesson that I can ever learn from You Lord right now...
I must stand strong upon your word and all that you are and do my best
I must lean on You and if I need help You will always show me how
You are my firm foundation, my strength, and eternal, pure happiness!

Friday, December 2, 2022

The ❤ Heart's Story

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I fall to my knees before your throne in awe of Your great beauty...
And the depth of your awesome heart that's available with 💘 love's touch
I am craving to see the greatest move of Your power in me
I want to be your instrument being filled with more than enough.

I am honored that you call me your beloved child so true...
You forgive me, cleanse me and make me whole with grace that is so sweet
As I reach for the wholeness of who you are I am made brand new
My definition and purpose are sealed by your word so complete.

So as I am lifted up becoming one with your great glory...
My ❤ heart begins to sing Your praises and glory with sweetest care
I become one with You and give praises to redemptions story
My breathtaking Jesus thank You for Your goodness and being there!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...