Thursday, December 8, 2022

Every New 🌞 Sonrise

Precious Jesus...

You are the reason my spirit tries a little harder a long the way...
My source of encouragement to keep me in the right direction with delight
You are the Son that brings new inspiration on a brighter wondrous new day
The brilliant energy of love that helps me to function with such great might.

You are the Son that sheds .canew light on all of the mighty things around...
The source of everything that uplifted my soul and makes it all seem brand new
You are the power of my heart from which new life will always be found
My Jesus I lift all that I am in great adoration unto You.

You are my Sonrise that brightens up every part of each brand new day...
Therefore considering I have this great foundation to stand on so strong
I give thanks and sing praises to you my Saviour in every possible way
You are my awesome Sonrise that will shine upon me my whole life long!

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