Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Beautiful Grace

My Jesus...

When I think about all of the wonder that overflows from your heart of great love...
I stop in awe of all that you are and all that you give so abundantly
You are my beautiful refreshing source that overflows from Heaven above
My best friend and true lifeline that is always there every day just for me.

I can always come before you every moment exactly as I am...
I can always find compassion and forgiveness that is brand new
You always have all things wonderful in your heart and everything in your hands
All I have to do is pledge my ❤ heart and with full willingness Lord lean on You.

Your grace is like a beautiful stained glass window breathtaking and fragile too...
Yet it's rugged and durable to accomplish all things you want it to be
Lord I give all honor praise and Thanksgiving right now from my heart's core unto you
I want you to know just how much your sweet grace and presence truly mean to me!

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