Friday, January 20, 2023

My Precious Lifeline

My Jesus...

When I need rugged strength to ignite my spirit, I reach out for you...
Sometimes, my heart feels so cold, broken and impersonal at its best
My soul needs to be restored by a source that's dynamic and true
You are the greatest lifeline of powerful joy and sweet happiness.

You take me under the power of your anointing that is so grand...
And a movement of your glory so wonderful begins to take place
Suddenly, a miracle begins to take hold within your sweet hands
And your perfect 💘 love and honor begin to fill every time and space.

I can feel such inspiration raising me up to take a firm stand...
There's a new breath of life taking over every part of me
My sweet Jesus, you are my strength, my hope and my foundation so grand
When I need a lifeline restoration, my heart will turn to there.

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