Thursday, January 12, 2023

The 🎂 Birthday Pledge

My Beloved Jesus...

Here I sit looking at the amazing blessing that you've given to me...
My ❤ heart is overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of your love and grace
You've bestowed another amazing year that is filled with your love so perfectly
My spirit wants to reach out to be touched by your anointing and held in your embrace.

I know that I'm not perfect and have made mistakes, but you've washed them all away...
You've planted seeds of your promise and hope that will grow into something so brand new
My Jesus I give you my heart and all that I am as you shape a new and brighter day
For the purpose of my life and all that I am or will be is defined in you.

You are the bright 🌄 morning star that fills every part and makes me complete and whole...
As I begin this new pathway adventure, I know that you are always beside me
Keeping warm and in your care whenever the moment should become bitter cold
I sing happy birthday by praising you and pledge to do that faithfully!


  1. What beautiful words! "My Jesus I give you my heart and all that I am!" Wonderful heartfelt words. Takes my mind to Jeremiah 29:13 ~ You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart! Blessings to you!


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