Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Gatekeeper

There's no need to worry or be stressed, the gatekeeper has the key...
He has everything always in the palm of his mighty hands 
His love and grace will make use of each moment so perfectly 
To carry out  his greatest desires and his masterful plans. 

He has our wondrous interest at heart for only the very best...
And will provide all the things we will ever need along the way
Walking 🚶 beside us as a best friend with great joy and happiness 
Always being our lighthouse that brings promise to every new day. 

He's standing on the starting line with sweet mercy that is so true...
Ready to open the right doors that are needed at the right time 
All you need is the ticket of pure faith and trust in all you do 
He's the greatest one and only gatekeeper that you'll need or will ever find!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Reflective Thoughts

My Lord...

There's an unexplained yearning that fills my heart so completely...
It's a desire for a peace that I've never seen before 
Reaching for all that's good and just that my heart ♥ wants to see
But, my spirit is plagued by worry and burdens even more. 

A sense of sadness prevails as great tears come trickling down...
My heart ♥ looks for seeds of great happiness and the brightest light
Suddenly, a sense of inspiration helps me to rebound
And the air begins to fill with such beauty and sweet delight.

Your love begins to fill me like a rain shower from your hands...
A lovely new work begins a great foundation that is true 
Lord, I'm resting in your anointing and following your plans 
For I keep my eyes always focused on all I am in you!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

You Are All That Truly Matters

My Jesus...

You are all that truly matters in every moment of time...
Your love infiltrates every aspect of who I am each day
That beauty is the greatest gift my spirit has longed to find
It gives me true spirit and hope in so many wondrous ways.

You are all that truly matters when I look for meaning that's grand...
To find purpose and direction that can only come from you 
True peace and tranquility flowing now from your mighty hands
You give me my definition and a life that's sweet and new.

You are all that truly matters, my strength and all in all...
As I trust in you I will find the greatest of true success 
Help me to hear your voice so clearly whenever I may call 
I trust and know that no matter what you'll have the very best !

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My Breath Of Life


You are the breath of life that fills every part of who I am...
The peace and tranquility that helps me function day by day
The wondrous provision that gives mea purpose with your sweet hands 
My definition that gives me meaning in every way. 

You are the voice of reason that calls out from beyond loves light...
The breathtaking spirit of great joy needed forever more 
I want to feel the touch of your anointing with all my might
And see the movement of your great power like never before. 

You are my future and everything my heart ♥ can think of...
I reach for your mighty love and make it the best part of me
I send all my praises and gratitude to Heaven above 
My Jesus,  I will exhault you for all of eternity!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Lord, You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the star that shines brilliantly in my sky...
You are the music 🎶 that brings joy to me always 
You are the inspiration that helps days go by
My sweet Jesus,  I love you more than words can say!

You are the life's breath that fills me so completely...
The source of all things my heart ♥ needs and much more 
You are the refreshment that always restores me
My sweet peace that fulfills me like never before. 

You are my Savior, strong shelter and my best friend...
My great confident that I can always come to 
When I think of all I'll want or need till the end
My Jesus,  I will always have the best of you!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Lord, I Need A Touch Of Your Glory

My Jesus...

I need a touch of your wondrous joy and glory in every way...
I want to feel the fire of your anointing within me 
As it develops and begins to grow planting seeds with each new day 
Helping me to be with strength and courage just what you want me to be. 

I need a touch of your peace and assurance that all is brand new...
You are the the sweet light that will shine brightly wherever I may go 
You're my eternal rock to lean on and come to my whole life through 
A best friend whose love and grace are pure and will always show. 

I need a touch of compassion and the beauty of your hands...
Your mercy and compassion are gifts for all the world to see
As I pledge all that I am to be part of your masterful plans
My Jesus,  I can feel your power becoming a part of me !

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Jesus, Sometimes I Just Don't Understand

My Savior...

Sometimes when I look all around me, my spirit becomes overwhelmed in many ways...
My heart ♥ searches for solutions and ways that I can become so much more like you 
I want to have restoration and new promise for each one of the coming days 
I long to get rid of my tension and trust in your anointing and love in all I do.

Sometimes when I look all around me, my feet follow direction filled with love
and grace...
I long to hear your voice and live in your light so perfectly 
I yearn for the beauty of your power as I sit at your feet and feel your embrace
See the results of your mighty work blossoming in me


Lord, When I Think Of How You Love ❤️ Me

My Jesus... When I think of how You love ❤️ me, my heart overflows with a mighty happiness... I am a special and valued part of Your heart i...