Sunday, July 28, 2024

Reflective Thoughts

My Lord...

There's an unexplained yearning that fills my heart so completely...
It's a desire for a peace that I've never seen before 
Reaching for all that's good and just that my heart ♥ wants to see
But, my spirit is plagued by worry and burdens even more. 

A sense of sadness prevails as great tears come trickling down...
My heart ♥ looks for seeds of great happiness and the brightest light
Suddenly, a sense of inspiration helps me to rebound
And the air begins to fill with such beauty and sweet delight.

Your love begins to fill me like a rain shower from your hands...
A lovely new work begins a great foundation that is true 
Lord, I'm resting in your anointing and following your plans 
For I keep my eyes always focused on all I am in you!

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