Friday, May 15, 2015

Perfect Love Can Move Mountains
The Port of Promise and Discovery

A heart that searches for and expresses true, genuine love will find the greatest blessings.
     Probably the greatest gift that one can ever give is the precious wonder of the heart.  The heart has many wonderful seeds of promise that it has been endowed by a masterful Creator.  One of these seeds is the inspiring and powerful gift of love.

     We've all heard the common statement - 'finding Mr. or Ms. right'.  There is some truth to that.  However, if there is such a person, remember that it is not by our own humanity that we will truly find them.

     Perfect love is a seed of the heart that when blessed by God's grace and power, blossoms into an eternal force of hope.  This comes in two categories:  the love of God, and the love of others.  The love of God is an innate devotion to a faithful and dedicated Creator whose goodness is abundant.

     It is a personal choice and a powerful realization that he is everything and without him, we are nothing.  The love of others also comes in two categories:  brotherly love, and romantic love.  Brotherly love is a beautiful testimony to the person that you are and God has destined you to be.

     It's the warmth and goodness shown to others as God has expressed his grace to you.  It can be found in many different types of expressions.  Some examples may include:  a smile, a kind act, holding a door open, or simply a hand written card of encouragement.

     Romantic love is a little more detailed.  It is also a beautiful testimony to the person that you are now.  However, it requires a deep desire to seek God's direction,  Finding the perfect bond that will grow deeper and stronger forever means connecting two loving hearts by something great.

     The 'something great' is the blessing of God.  There is, of course, the destiny that some are meant to be single.  That is not a problem.  So, what does the journeyman do to decisively determine all of this?  

     There is a three point plan of action:  pray, seek, and follow.  Pray to God for direction, seek his will, and then follow the awesome journey that he has planned for you.  

     Thank him for the beautiful seed of perfect love.  When he touches it and enriches it with the light of his power, and glory, magnificent things will start to happen and skyrocket!

Tickets! Tickets!  Next port of call now!  Stay tuned!!  

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