The Precious Gift Of A Best Friend Is A Light Of Love That Blesses For A Lifetime
The Port Of Happiness And Hope
A heart that finds a true best friend finds a priceless treasure
Remember for a moment all of those precious memories from your childhood. Each beautiful segment in time was a special delight to your heart, not only then, but, for years to come. Most likely, those memories involved special times shared with a buddy or best friend.
Maybe you went to a little league game together. Possibly you had the same classes in school. Perhaps it was those Friday nights when you hung out at the mall, played games and had pizza. Even now, as an adult, you may have a best friend that you cherish. You share a lot of the same interests and likes and enjoy the happiness in each others company.
So, why is this an important factor for the journeyman? A successful journey requires strong factors that will help it to grow and move in a positive direction. Most, if not all of these factors are blessings from God's hands of grace.
So, let's discuss a basic definition of a best friend. A best friend is someone who is always there whenever you need them, shares the same interests, and is your confident. There are three categories, in range of importance: [1] God, [2] people [3] (and yes) pets.
God is our magnificent Heavenly Father and perfect best friend. He is always there to encourage you, lift you up, rejoice with you, cry with you and share your dreams. He will never fail you, and is always there in every sense of the word. He is the hope that keeps the journey thriving.
People are not perfect. However, when two hearts bond, there is a special connection from God's heart. A best friend is a blessing that enriches your life and develops your journey. Thirdly, animals can also be considered best friends. They are blessings from God who are faithful and true, never judge, or ask for anything but love. So, it is imperative for the journeyman to keep best friends close at heart. They provide meaningful purpose for a strong and dynamic journey.
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