Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lord, you are the light that awakens the beauty in my soul,
You are the beautiful source of every thing that is good for me
Your love and presence fill my life and make me complete and whole
The magnificent glory in your heart is all that I can see.
Your love is the sun that lights up every moment of my day
The grace of your hands is the blanket that warms my heart, so true
I yearn for your sweet spirit to fill me now in every way
Father, I want to take every measure to draw nearer to you.
I won't try to figure things out on my own, Lord, any more
But, I'll seek your peace and leave it with you knowing you'll take care
Your presence will come and assist me, opening up every door
There is not one heavy burden that I'll carry or bear.


  1. This is very beautiful, thank you for sharing! I needed these words today.

  2. I always come away from your posts renewed. Tahnk you!

  3. Love this!
    Words of comfort and wisdom first thing in the morning are always a rare treat. Hope your having a great day!


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