Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Most Difficult Question

     Take a moment to consider how you would answer the following question:  what is the most difficult question for you?  There could probably be many ways to answer that question with many different types of answers.  
     But, here is a most difficult question that surely many of us face:  how can you be yourself and remain true to who you are?  This can be a very challenging task.
     We live in a rapidly changing, multi-faceted world.  There are factors that will try to pressure and influence how we define and see ourselves.  This can come in several different forms, such as:  peer pressure...(yes, this can occur in adults), societal pressure, economic pressure, political pressure, and the list goes on and on.
     Outside forces will try to persuade us that we must look a certain way.  If we don't, then we are not acceptable.  We have to have the right things to be successful.  We have to back the right political group.
     The only thing that we need to focus on is God our Creator.  He is the Provider of all good things worth having.  If we trust in him, and look at ourselves and the world from his viewpoint, then we will have the strength to be victorious.
     He will show us how to be the dynamic person that we were born to be.  He will shape every one of our steps and give us the strength to go onward in an awesome way.  The light of his love will be the barrier that blocks the temptations.
   But, it will also be the influential factor that makes important and inspiring change.  So, if you want to answer the do I be myself and be true to who I am?  Just simply say three simple words:  My Jesus.....Help.

Tickets.......We are moving on...........Stay tuned!

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You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...