Sunday, May 29, 2016


     Here is a statement to think about.  Do we take our freedom for granted?  Think about it for a moment.  We have many wonderful freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.  But, some of those precious freedoms are trying to be restricted by parties.  Is that fair? 

     Yet, many of us don't seem to be offended by this.  We are not allowed to say any thing in public that reflects God.  Why?  Our founding fathers intended for this beautiful nation to be "one nation under God".

    The Lord is our Creator, Defender, Protector, and everything we need.  What happens when a country steps away from that?  Isn't it time that we all 'wake up'?

     What other freedoms are to be silenced next?  Here are some steps that we all need to consider.  First, let's make a great realization of what freedoms we enjoy.  Let us pray and thank God for each one of them.

     Let us pray and ask God to take control of our country once again.  You see, we are given 'free will'.  If we step away from God, he will not come in to the center of our nation.

     He wants to feel welcomed.  Thirdly, let us stand up for what we believe in and what is right.  This is still the USA.  Let's unite and work to bring our nation back to where it needs to be.

    Let's pray and remain in strong prayer.  This is a key to success.  Please express your comments below.  Let us pray one for another and for our great nation.  Let us pray for our troops and thank them for all of our freedoms they have fought for.

     Don't ever let it be in vain!  God bless our troops!  God bless America!  God bless you all!


Friday, May 27, 2016

Thought Of The Day

So, what makes you happy and content?
What completes your life 
and the person that you are?
Is it money and material things?
Is it fame and fortune?

think about something

Consider the simple things
from your childhood
that made you laugh
and gave you such delight
in your heart

Do you remember?
It was things like

spending good time with friends
enjoying every moment

Now, think about what
a relationship with God means

It means:

pure joy and delight beyond measure
and enjoying every moment 
to the fullest
the list goes on and on

Do you have a relationship
with God?

If you do not...
Don't you want to know

what pure happiness is?

Open the Bible


Talk to God



the most amazing adventure

to finding

peace and pure happiness

that you will ever


God bless you all!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Something To Ponder

     As Memorial Day quickly approaches, let us take a moment to do a little exercise.  We all get bogged down in the stress and hassle of every day life.  We are overcome by the taxing burdens of a complex, and ever revolving world.

  But, let us all make a pledge to do this exercise at some point this weekend.  We can all spare a half hour out of our busy schedules, right?  Well, get together with a good friend or family member.  

  First, pray for our nation, and its leaders.  Pray for our troops.  Secondly, pray for one another and those that you know and love.  Thirdly, make a list of all of the joys and the blessings in your lives.  Next, give heartfelt thanks for each one of those extraordinary blessings with the consideration of others who don't have quite so much.

  Next, remember the sacrifices of our military heroes past and present and servicemen that you know.  Think about their bravery and devotion.  Finally, join hands and pray again, thanking God for his goodness and praying for the blessings on other lives.

  See how much that mere thirty minutes has made you feel better inside.  The stresses of every day life seem small when we consider just how truly fortunate and blessed we really are.

  Any one who embarks on this little exercise is welcomed to post and mention how good it felt.  

God bless America!  God bless our troops!  God bless you all!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Thought For The Day

The greatest thing that you can do


respect yourself

love yourself

be happy about

the person that God created

in you


God doesn't make junk

He formulates

unique masterpieces


how can you



the work of

a perfect, gifted artist?


see the beauty

that God sees in you

Ask him

to help you


reveal his great presence


Monday, May 23, 2016

Finding The Planned Pathway

     Living in such a fast paced, radically changing society, one of the factors that many people probably deal with is loneliness.  How can that be?  It is so easy to feel invisible sometimes.  You might feel like you give so much of yourself, and nothing seems to matter the way you thought that it would.

  Even though you have people around you in your every day life, you sometimes feel like you are the last person on the planet.  But, it is at this junction where we have to call for a silent moment.  What is that you ask?  It is a moment when we step back from all that we think and are, and place our complete concentration upon the Lord.

  He sees exactly how you are feeling.  What does he think?  First, loneliness doesn't come from him.  It is the exact opposite.  We are never alone in our walk because the Lord is always there with us.  But, you might say that you can't see him.  Well, you may not be able to see him in the provincial human to human way.

  However, his presence and his awesome love are with you in such a powerful way.  Come before his throne and ask him to make his presence known to you more.  He greatly desires to fill every second of your life with his joy and love.  

  But, loneliness as well as other anti weapons try to rob you of that precious joy from the Lord.  Don't let it!  You do have an amazing plan and purpose from the Lord.  Can't see it?  Well, ask him to show you more of his work in your life.

  Here is an idea.  Try volunteering at a retirement home or an animal shelter.  Give someone a special touch of kindness and love and watch how much it delights your heart!  

  So, the next time you start to feel lonely, begin to sing a happy song.  You will soon watch the cloudy blues go away!
God bless you all!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Something To Ponder

When you take a step and

feel insecurity



It is time to

look for your tools


better the journey

The word of God

is your manual

It is your light


the source


all the answers 

you could ever need


the Lord

speak to you


show you the majesty


his magnificent will



The Lord Bless You All!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Something To Ponder

The most important words


the ones that

lift you up.....
encourage you.....
 inspire you.....
motivate you.....
make you smile.....
give you hope.....
show you promise.....


help you to see the wonderful person

God created you to be



someone uses words


make you feel


of these points

do not let them

be received 

into your heart

just smile politely


hold tightly


the gifts that help you

to grow

to be

the dynamic blessing


God intends 

for you to be!
God bless you all!

Monday, May 16, 2016


     Richard tried to work hard all of his life.  He remembered the many words of advice from his own father.  "Happiness is found in the best things that you can provide for yourself and your family."  His father used to tell him.

   This became even more crucial when he got married just five years ago.  He then became a young father just a year ago.  His father had provided a big beautiful house, and many of the luxuries of life.

   But, things began to change when his father got deathly sick.  He became bitter and cold.  His parents began to drift apart.  There was never much happiness or love in his childhood.  But, things continued to grow difficult.

   However, since Richard came to know the Lord as his Savior, he began to understand a lot more.   It allowed him to see that true happiness is not found in material things, but, in the Lord.

   Richard began to make a lot of important decisions.  He downsized his job position a bit so that he could spend more time with his family.  He organized trips to spend happy times with them.

   But, Richard made an extra effort to talk to his father about the Lord.  He visited him as much as possible and gave him a bible and material to read.  He also made an extensive effort to talk to his mother and siblings too.

   Richard knew that it was a hard thing to wish for.  But, he remembered his Pastor saying that 'nothing is impossible with God'.  We just need to believe.

   So, Richard prayed and continually believed for his miracle.  One day, he got a phone call.  His father wanted to speak to him.  Richard immediately flew up to be at his side.

   His father gave his heart to the Lord just a few weeks before he died.  His mother and siblings were saved too.  Richard was amazed when he read the revised version of his father's will  

   He wanted a foundation set up to help others.  His miracle had been realized.  Richard's relationship with the Lord grew even deeper.  He came to one important conclusion.  He is an awesome God!
God bless you all!
All aboard!  Tickets please!  We are proceeding to our next port of call!  Stay tuned!
Thought For The Day

Don't let anger have a place

in your heart of hearts

It takes a strong and tough hold


then begins to unravel

piece by piece

the greatest parts of who you are

love, happiness, kindness


destroys your beauty

It then begins 

to root things 

that are bad

It is the anti feeling

When you know it is within you

call upon the Lord immediately

He will come to you


begin the healing process

Remember that

forgiveness and understanding


two of the greatest



finding the most

wonderful and beautiful person


God desires you to be.

God bless you all!


Saturday, May 14, 2016

     Ryan could hardly wait to start his first day of classes.  It was an exciting time.  He had come to America in search of a great dream.  But, he never imagined that his dream would become a nightmare.

    He felt he was not welcomed.  There are a group of students that have been tormenting him since classes began.  They make fun of his accent and his clothes.  They make fun of the way that he walks.

    Ryan was ready to give up and go home.  His parents then reminded him of one important thing - God is in charge.  He is his ever present help in times of conflict.

    Even though he felt broken inside, he knew that God's healing power could begin repairing the pieces.  So, Ryan began to increase his prayer time.  He asked God for help and wisdom in the situation.  

    He tried to listen very carefully with his heart for the right thing to do.  Soon, it began to become clear.  Ryan had to fight bad with good.  

    He first tried offering a kind word to each of his enemies.  Every time they ridiculed him, he would simply say something nice.  Next, it was the second phase of his plan.

    Ryan would try to offer some small act to make their day a little brighter.  Soon, he began to see small improvements.  The ridicule slowly stopped.  Some of the students began talking to him.

    Ryan felt a lot better about his situation.  He understood now what he should have done in the first place - lay his burdens and his dreams at the foot of the cross.

    The Lord would see him through!  
God bless you all!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Thought For The Day

Don't give up!

When you give up.....

you don't let your beautiful dreams


into the awesome reality 

that God has for you!

It's like nailing the door shut

on a new house

without even

entering to explore!

Don't let anyone or anything

hinder the person that you are


who you can become





and know that God has your back

He will walk with you

take care of you


rejoice with you


you reach the finish line.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thought For The Day

Give someone 

a kind word of inspiration

It gives them hope


adds a touch of happiness

to their day


be an 

instrument of encouragement


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Light Into The Heart

     This election year is a truly confusing and upsetting one to say the least.  Having such dischord, confusion and anger in the greatest nation in the world is terrible.  But, one real question truly arises out of all of this.  If someone asked you your belief, what would you say?

   Would you tend to side with fast talking politicians?  Would you lean toward other factors like need?  Is there something else that truly motivates your heart and cannot be changed by outside forces?

  Let us try to think about what the Lord would want and what he would do.  We may not know the true answer to that statement.  But, this is where prayer and faith come in to play in a great way.

  We need to ask him to continually guide us and direct us in every moment.  He already knows who has to win and why.  We may not understand that.  But, we need to pray for our nation that it will turn back to the Lord in a great way.

  Most importantly, we must not be deterred from the beliefs that so richly govern who we are.  We must stand firm on those beliefs and protect our right to have them.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  So, now the importance of getting out to vote is more crucial than ever.  But, before you make the effort, pray for God's guidance and insight.  We must stand up for our rights.  We must pray for our beloved nation.

God bless you all!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Creative Inspirations

     Okay, so have you ever tried the task of starting a garden?  Possibly, most of us can answer yes to that question.  It can be a rather enjoyable task.  You take part in caring and nurturing something to make it grow.  It is an endeavor that enriches you and those around you.

   It is a wonderful learning activity for children.  They learn responsibility for taking care of things and a lesson about nature.  But, if you don't have the right tools for a successful project, how successful will it be?  You need your gardening tools, the proper soil, and either seeds, or young plants.

   Now, if you are endeavoring to travel upon the pathway of life, how can you accomplish anything good without the proper instruments?  This world is changing rapidly.  We need to try and be prepared as much as possible.  

   First, we need God's presence in our heart and life.  If you don't have this, please seek it right away.  It is like trying to ride a bicycle without wheels.  God is our lifeline.  He is our Father and Savior and the Creator of all.  He is our strength and our foundation.

   Secondly, we need prayer.  We need prayer in every aspect of our lives now more than ever.  Prayer is our connective strength to God's heart.  It is our instrument to living a beautiful life in him.

   Thirdly, we need God's word.  His word is our instruction on how to live like him.  His love and presence is our shield against the forces.  We cover ourselves in everything that is him, when we study his word.

   So, let us endeavor to have a successful travel.  Always be prepared and then rest in the Lord.
God bless you all!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Something For The Heart

When the tears begin to fall.....

As the heart feels an overwhelming
sadness and pain,

Love begins to move in its greatest realm

It wraps it in a blanket of care
surrounds it with a warmth

that expresses understanding and healing


a beautiful transition begins to take place

The tears of pain become tears of joy

tears that say

"Thank you Father for loving me.....

for taking the moments to surround me


let me know that you are always near

I am so blessed to  be your beloved child."

No matter what this crazy world looks like

Don't ponder........pray

Let God fill you with his presence and love

Heal you

and bring you to

a dynamic new place of hope!

God bless you all!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Light

     Helene sat quietly in the darkened room and closed her eyes.  Tears streamed down her face.  She had never felt so broken and alone.  Her husband died several months ago.  Her children didn't bother much with her.  They lived far away.  She was even fearful of the downward spiral of the world around her.

   Suddenly, she noticed the clock, and left for work.  She couldn't be late.  Her boss warned her.  If there was just one more tardy, that would be it.  She worked quietly, and didn't talk to anyone.  All of a sudden, she heard someone clear their voice, and looked up.

   A woman was standing before her, smiling brightly.  "Good morning, my name is Jena.  I am the new sales rep."  She said.  Helene showed her the equipment that needed servicing.  Jena stopped and looked at Helene.  "Are you okay?"  She asked.

  "Not really,"  Helene answered. "Would you let me treat you to lunch?"  Jena asked.  "No thanks,"  Helene answered.  Jena looked over the equipment and talked about the happiness and love that she had in Jesus.  

  The next day, Jena appeared at Helene's desk with the same brilliant smile.  She insisted that Helene let her treat her to lunch for her kindness. Helene finally agreed.  She told Jena about all that was burdening her.  Jena told her about the love of Jesus.  Helene wanted to know much more.

  The two new friends went to lunch together that whole week.  Jena prayed with Helene.  Helene gave her heart to the Lord.  She felt like her heavy burdens were gone.  Jena even recommended a church nearby.  Helene began to attend.

  But, the next week, Jena didn't come into the office.  Helene asked her boss about the sales rep.  "What rep?  We never had one."  Her boss proclaimed.  Helene went home confused.  The next day, she received a call from her daughter.

  She told her the happy news.  They were moving to town.  "I've been praying for you, Mom."  She said.  Helene told her about what happened.  "Well, Mom, I guess that God sent you his love through the light of a beautiful angel!"  She answered.


Thought For The Day

Worry and fear

are like sharp thorns

upon a person's soul

They prick, and damage


cause the soul to bleed

all of its peace and happiness


be forever burdened with torment.

Faith is the repair kit

that calls upon God's heart

and prevails his love to come in


repair the damage

making things better

and stronger than ever


placing a seal in position

so that

it can never try to damage

the beauty

that he created ever again.

Get your faith in place

strengthened and ready

call upon God today!
God bless you all!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...