Sunday, May 29, 2016


     Here is a statement to think about.  Do we take our freedom for granted?  Think about it for a moment.  We have many wonderful freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.  But, some of those precious freedoms are trying to be restricted by parties.  Is that fair? 

     Yet, many of us don't seem to be offended by this.  We are not allowed to say any thing in public that reflects God.  Why?  Our founding fathers intended for this beautiful nation to be "one nation under God".

    The Lord is our Creator, Defender, Protector, and everything we need.  What happens when a country steps away from that?  Isn't it time that we all 'wake up'?

     What other freedoms are to be silenced next?  Here are some steps that we all need to consider.  First, let's make a great realization of what freedoms we enjoy.  Let us pray and thank God for each one of them.

     Let us pray and ask God to take control of our country once again.  You see, we are given 'free will'.  If we step away from God, he will not come in to the center of our nation.

     He wants to feel welcomed.  Thirdly, let us stand up for what we believe in and what is right.  This is still the USA.  Let's unite and work to bring our nation back to where it needs to be.

    Let's pray and remain in strong prayer.  This is a key to success.  Please express your comments below.  Let us pray one for another and for our great nation.  Let us pray for our troops and thank them for all of our freedoms they have fought for.

     Don't ever let it be in vain!  God bless our troops!  God bless America!  God bless you all!


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