Saturday, May 14, 2016

     Ryan could hardly wait to start his first day of classes.  It was an exciting time.  He had come to America in search of a great dream.  But, he never imagined that his dream would become a nightmare.

    He felt he was not welcomed.  There are a group of students that have been tormenting him since classes began.  They make fun of his accent and his clothes.  They make fun of the way that he walks.

    Ryan was ready to give up and go home.  His parents then reminded him of one important thing - God is in charge.  He is his ever present help in times of conflict.

    Even though he felt broken inside, he knew that God's healing power could begin repairing the pieces.  So, Ryan began to increase his prayer time.  He asked God for help and wisdom in the situation.  

    He tried to listen very carefully with his heart for the right thing to do.  Soon, it began to become clear.  Ryan had to fight bad with good.  

    He first tried offering a kind word to each of his enemies.  Every time they ridiculed him, he would simply say something nice.  Next, it was the second phase of his plan.

    Ryan would try to offer some small act to make their day a little brighter.  Soon, he began to see small improvements.  The ridicule slowly stopped.  Some of the students began talking to him.

    Ryan felt a lot better about his situation.  He understood now what he should have done in the first place - lay his burdens and his dreams at the foot of the cross.

    The Lord would see him through!  
God bless you all!


  1. It is so nice to have a chance to read these lovely words on a quiet morning. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is how exactly I felt when I first came in Wales, but if you want you will find a way to make your life easier!

  3. I loved this! I hope you have a blessed day as well!

  4. I love this! Even when things don't work out as well as they did for Ryan, we still must trust in God's plan.

  5. This was very inspiring and motivation. And I agree we have to have a leap of faith in God's ultimate plan.

  6. This is such a beautiful story and I'm sure one that a lot of people can relate to. It's important to stick it out and follow your dreams, never let the bullies get you down!


I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus.. The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way... Come let Your sweet anointing and gr...