Monday, May 23, 2016

Finding The Planned Pathway

     Living in such a fast paced, radically changing society, one of the factors that many people probably deal with is loneliness.  How can that be?  It is so easy to feel invisible sometimes.  You might feel like you give so much of yourself, and nothing seems to matter the way you thought that it would.

  Even though you have people around you in your every day life, you sometimes feel like you are the last person on the planet.  But, it is at this junction where we have to call for a silent moment.  What is that you ask?  It is a moment when we step back from all that we think and are, and place our complete concentration upon the Lord.

  He sees exactly how you are feeling.  What does he think?  First, loneliness doesn't come from him.  It is the exact opposite.  We are never alone in our walk because the Lord is always there with us.  But, you might say that you can't see him.  Well, you may not be able to see him in the provincial human to human way.

  However, his presence and his awesome love are with you in such a powerful way.  Come before his throne and ask him to make his presence known to you more.  He greatly desires to fill every second of your life with his joy and love.  

  But, loneliness as well as other anti weapons try to rob you of that precious joy from the Lord.  Don't let it!  You do have an amazing plan and purpose from the Lord.  Can't see it?  Well, ask him to show you more of his work in your life.

  Here is an idea.  Try volunteering at a retirement home or an animal shelter.  Give someone a special touch of kindness and love and watch how much it delights your heart!  

  So, the next time you start to feel lonely, begin to sing a happy song.  You will soon watch the cloudy blues go away!
God bless you all!

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