Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thought For The Day

Worry and fear

are like sharp thorns

upon a person's soul

They prick, and damage


cause the soul to bleed

all of its peace and happiness


be forever burdened with torment.

Faith is the repair kit

that calls upon God's heart

and prevails his love to come in


repair the damage

making things better

and stronger than ever


placing a seal in position

so that

it can never try to damage

the beauty

that he created ever again.

Get your faith in place

strengthened and ready

call upon God today!
God bless you all!


  1. I often want to give up ! I guess it happens to everyone once in a while ! specially when you fail once and don't have the energy to do it again :) It's hard to put all your trust in God and tell yourself that he knows better than me. Your posts are so inspiring

  2. I am just about to give up on a job I have been waiting for a while now. I guess some dream are not valid. Somehow this post makes me feel a little bit better though.


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