Friday, May 6, 2016

Creative Inspirations

     Okay, so have you ever tried the task of starting a garden?  Possibly, most of us can answer yes to that question.  It can be a rather enjoyable task.  You take part in caring and nurturing something to make it grow.  It is an endeavor that enriches you and those around you.

   It is a wonderful learning activity for children.  They learn responsibility for taking care of things and a lesson about nature.  But, if you don't have the right tools for a successful project, how successful will it be?  You need your gardening tools, the proper soil, and either seeds, or young plants.

   Now, if you are endeavoring to travel upon the pathway of life, how can you accomplish anything good without the proper instruments?  This world is changing rapidly.  We need to try and be prepared as much as possible.  

   First, we need God's presence in our heart and life.  If you don't have this, please seek it right away.  It is like trying to ride a bicycle without wheels.  God is our lifeline.  He is our Father and Savior and the Creator of all.  He is our strength and our foundation.

   Secondly, we need prayer.  We need prayer in every aspect of our lives now more than ever.  Prayer is our connective strength to God's heart.  It is our instrument to living a beautiful life in him.

   Thirdly, we need God's word.  His word is our instruction on how to live like him.  His love and presence is our shield against the forces.  We cover ourselves in everything that is him, when we study his word.

   So, let us endeavor to have a successful travel.  Always be prepared and then rest in the Lord.
God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. It is great that you are so devoted to your faith. As for gardening it is therapeutic and a great way of channeling creative energy!


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