Thursday, May 26, 2016

Something To Ponder

     As Memorial Day quickly approaches, let us take a moment to do a little exercise.  We all get bogged down in the stress and hassle of every day life.  We are overcome by the taxing burdens of a complex, and ever revolving world.

  But, let us all make a pledge to do this exercise at some point this weekend.  We can all spare a half hour out of our busy schedules, right?  Well, get together with a good friend or family member.  

  First, pray for our nation, and its leaders.  Pray for our troops.  Secondly, pray for one another and those that you know and love.  Thirdly, make a list of all of the joys and the blessings in your lives.  Next, give heartfelt thanks for each one of those extraordinary blessings with the consideration of others who don't have quite so much.

  Next, remember the sacrifices of our military heroes past and present and servicemen that you know.  Think about their bravery and devotion.  Finally, join hands and pray again, thanking God for his goodness and praying for the blessings on other lives.

  See how much that mere thirty minutes has made you feel better inside.  The stresses of every day life seem small when we consider just how truly fortunate and blessed we really are.

  Any one who embarks on this little exercise is welcomed to post and mention how good it felt.  

God bless America!  God bless our troops!  God bless you all!


  1. May God bless America and its military. America is currently helping my country which is the Philippines in several joint exercises. I`m glad for the alliance.

  2. I know quite a few people (including my brother) in the military and I think it's great that you wrote this! Support the troops!


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