Friday, April 30, 2021

The Beauty Counter

     Jennifer wanted to find the perfect project to do for her psychology class.  Earning an A would practically lock in her 4.0 GPA.

     But, it actually went a little deeper than that.  She wanted to make a difference.  

     So, she sat down and prayed, asking God for guidance.  One day, she got a great idea.  It came to her while she watched all the personal grooming her little sister went through while getting ready for school.

     Jennifer called her project the Beauty Window.  She got permission to conduct her experiment.  She enlisted the help of a couple of her friends.

  They attached a small vanity mirror to a table and had a small chair.  The first week, they went to the local junior high school.  They were allowed to set up in the hallway.

  Everyone that passed by was asked to look in the mirror and describe what they see.  The answers amongst the teen girls and boys were pretty consistent.

  They made comments about their looks and what they were wearing.  They wanted to get the newest fad and would look even better.

   The staff commented on tired they were and underappreciated.  Everything pretty much appeared as anticipated.

   Now the second week, Jennifer and her team took their project to an elementary school.  They asked students and teachers to look in the mirror and describe what they see.

  Most of the teachers described their excitement to bring new learning to their young students.

   But, it was the response from the young children that brought the greatest surprise.  They saw everything from happiness, to joy and delight.

   One little kindergarten girl came up.  She looked in the mirror, then looked at Jennifer and smiled.  'I see my Jesus smiling at me.'  She said.

   Jennifer knew she had proved the point of her project.  When the heart is not overtaken and influenced by a lost world, it can see clearly.

   It also taught her a great lesson as well.  We have to live every moment with the pure heart of a child.  For when we look with the heart we can truly see.

   Jennifer got her A.  But she was even more grateful for the incredible life lesson too!




Monday, April 26, 2021

Don't Give Up


Help me to never lose hope, and to always see the light,
The beauty of your awesome love that is forever there
Even though the path is rugged, help me with all my might
to continue on with strength because you so greatly care.

I can do any thing because you are right there for me
You lift me up and help me throughout each step of the way
When I want to quit, your encouragement comes so perfectly
to lead me to an exciting and brighter, brand new day.

So, Father, I pledge to never give up at any time,
I will look to you for strength, and happiness from your hands
It is in you, where all of the greatest things I will find
I know that you have dynamic promise and an awesome plan!


Sunday, April 25, 2021


     Julie sat quietly in the dark stillness of the early morning hours crying.  She just couldn't understand why she was disliked so intensely.

     The idea of being in college was exciting for her.  She loved going to her classes and was on the Dean's list.  But the last several months have shown a dramatic change.

     Her grades have plummeted.  Her low GPA have put her in danger of losing her scholarship.  Julie knew that her distress all started when two new girls came to campus.

     Their names were Darlene and Maria.  Julie always thought of herself as an outgoing and loving person.

     But no matter how hard she tried, these two girls just didn't like her.  They mocked her and talked bad about her.

     Julie's parents demanded that she come home for spring break.  She was filled with fear.  How was she going to explain her grades?  She was worried that her parents would make her come home permanently and get a job.

     Julie washed her face.  She finished packing and took a cab to the airport.  Her parents were delightful and embraced her when they met her plane.

     But the car ride home was silent and chilling.  Her mother came in to help her unpack.  She began to ask about school.  Julie quickly told her that she just didn't feel like talking.

     After dinner, the entire family went to church for revival meeting.  Her older brother is the head Pastor.  They had a guest speaker from Europe.

     Julie listened with great interest as the speaker spoke about Jesus when he lived on earth.  He was treated with cruelty even though he had done so much good.  

    When the altar call was given, Julie went forward and rededicated her heart to Jesus.  Tears began to stream down her face as she cried when the spirit of the Lord touched her.

     Julie attended every meeting for the entire week.  At the end of the week, her brother called her into his office.  The evangelist wanted to talk to her.

     He said that the Lord had laid it on his heart to pray for her.  She was going through a lot.  Julie told him about the two girls.

     The Pastor smiled brightly.  He told her that this was a beautiful chance for her to be a light of God's perfect love.

     He said for her to return to school with her head held high.  Her Heavenly Father is right beside her.  Whenever they start to mistreat her she should simply say:  God bless you.

     Julie returned to school feeling like a new person and with more confidence.  As soon as the bullying resumed, she did exactly what the Pastor said each time.

    Soon the bullying stopped.  The girls asked her why she said that.  Julie told them how much she cares about them and how much God cares about them.

     Both girls wanted to know more.  They both came from broken single parent homes.  Julie prayed with them and led them to the Lord.

     Her grades skyrocketed again.  But her biggest delight was seeing God's perfect love shine so brilliantly!


Friday, April 23, 2021

Beautiful Overflow

My Jesus...

I am in awe of the beauty that flows so perfectly...
It's like a refreshing source of pure hope for all around
I reach out to learn more about the wonder that I see
And all the magnificent love and grace that so abounds.

My ❤ heart sees beautiful blessings, love and peace coming through pure...
And all the magnificent wonder of your power
A flowing source of strength for a foundation to endure
Guidance and promise to hold on to with every hour.

Your ❤ heart is a beautiful picture of all things that's you..
It's always lit with your power and no boundaries
I have a special place in it my entire life through
Jesus I want you to see that great love and grace in me.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Picture Perfect Love


How can I say thank you for a boundless love that's there for me...
Even though I do not deserve anything it is so true
What other people cannot understand there's much more you see
I am truly precious in your eyes and mean the world to you.

It is a love that forgives and makes everything brand new...
A love that sees new hope and promise and many open doors
A love that has patience and understanding our whole life through
A breathtaking love whose grace can do miracles and more.6am

It is a perfect love that is always there for the asking...
To create a masterpiece out of something no one could see
I want so much more of that great love and all that it may bring
Jesus let your sweet anointing and love now flow into me!

Beautiful Mercy

My Breathtaking Jesus...

There is a precious gift that is there for me every day...
But, by my humanity I don't realize on what it stands
I try to make it through every moment in my own way
Never once realizing the simple fact that only you can.

There are factors in my life that try to define who I am...
But then the breathtaking mercy of your love and grace prevail
You reach out with your anointing to show me your special plan
Factors of blessing from a loving Saviours heart quickly hail.

You show me that I am your child so loved beyond compare...
Nothing will ever take my place in your heart so perfectly
Whenever I need you and call with strength, you will be there
Taking care of everything with real love, grace and mercy.

So when I look at who I am, in total, so completely...
I realize I am defined by your love in me and your grace
Suddenly, it is a new more positive world that I see
As I reach out for the warmth and comfort of your sweet embrace.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Beautiful Grace

My Jesus...

Beautiful grace 💘 Love's me with a pure love exactly as I am...
I am a work in progress, forgiven and made so wonderfully new
By this understanding and patient grace, I have a unique plan
To take steps that show that pure love brightly my whole pathway through.

I don't have to be worried or be concerned about anything...
Grace will always be there with real answers throughout all of my steps
There be a flow of pure peace, tranquility, and understanding
And an overflow of the greatest blessings and pure happiness.

My Jesus, thank you for the greatest gift of your grace every day...
It is priceless, yet at any second, always ready to flow
I pledge my ❤ heart to you in every picture perfect new way
Thank you for seeing hope and being my perfect grace wherever I go.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Who Am I?

My Loving Jesus...

When I look into the mirror, I do not like what I see...
My heart and spirit become discouraged and saddened at best
There does not seem to be a purpose that defines me clearly
I have very little if any pure joy and happiness.

But then a precious shield of mercy surrounds me with real grace...
A Saviour's breathtaking 💘 love begins to work and overflow
You take all that I am into your perfect, peaceful embrace
Because there's so much that you now want to reveal and show.

You show me that everything is so firmly within your hands...
You created it all with dynamic and wondrous beauty
Each and every thing has a special purpose and plan
A beautiful 💘 love and great peace for all the world to see.

I look in the mirror again with you by my side so true...
Now I can see something breathtaking I've never seen before
All that I am and my purpose is only defined in you
Thank you my Jesus for everything my spirit wants much more!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Reach Of Promise

My Wondrous Jesus...

Sometimes I can't see all of the beauty around me...
I am so concerned with worry, doubt, and intense fear
Everything negative are the only things I see
I feel so lost and numb, not even knowing you're near.

But, suddenly a beautiful warmth fills me truly...
A brilliant light starts to illuminate in my eyes
I have a new desire to start things happily
My spirit is in for a blessing and great surprise.

Your healing power and grace begin to restore things...
You're creating a masterpiece in your own way
Showing me what miracles your presence truly brings
Giving me new life for a new and brighter day.

Lord, now I try not to take things badly at all...
For you are always in control especially
Taking care of my needs and hearing me when I call
You will always have the very best in store for me.

Friday, April 9, 2021

When My Heart Breaks


The frailty of my ❤ heart is like a fragile stain glass window throughout time...
There are factors that take hold and cause it to wear down and become unglued
Trying to destroy any joy, happiness, and any foundation that you'll find
And hindering any chance for seeds of hope and promise to come through.

Your heart sees what is happening and wants to make some things perfectly clear...
You are the true source, the hope and peace and everything through out it all
When such factors try to take hold with such intense worry and crippling fear
You are there to bring restoration and healing when you hear my heart call.

I should give all things over to you and trust you with humility...
You want me to be forgiving, loving and caring to all at all times
You will begin rebuilding with real love and grace so perfectly
And exciting seeds of hope and promise like nothing I will ever find.

Jesus I know you'll give me the strength to take each step with happiness...
You'll teach me how to forgive and to now only lean on you
I can see something taking hold and can feel so joyful and so blessed
My Jesus you will be my light of new hope my entire journey through.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Perfect 💘 Love's Sacrifice

My Breathtaking Lord...

How can I describe a beautiful, perfect 💘 love at its best?
There are so many different things that quickly come to mind
Yet, I want to tell all that's in my ❤ heart, so humbled and blessed
A factual account about a love story so divine.

I am honored that you consider me your child so true...
But, now I am understanding things in a much greater way
You want me to be one with you in everything I do
So you made the ultimate sacrifice as a Saviour on that day.

You went to the cross and took our sins with you with such power...
So that we all would be forgiven and by your love set free
Ready for a divine relationship with you every hour
And a special place at home with you for all eternity.

Perfect 💘 Love's greatest sacrifice is forgiving and pure...
It is the most wondrous light of promise for all to see
You shed your blood so that we all might be forgiven and endure
The greatest 🎁 gift was presented on that day at Calvary.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...