But, it actually went a little deeper than that. She wanted to make a difference.
So, she sat down and prayed, asking God for guidance. One day, she got a great idea. It came to her while she watched all the personal grooming her little sister went through while getting ready for school.
Jennifer called her project the Beauty Window. She got permission to conduct her experiment. She enlisted the help of a couple of her friends.
They attached a small vanity mirror to a table and had a small chair. The first week, they went to the local junior high school. They were allowed to set up in the hallway.
Everyone that passed by was asked to look in the mirror and describe what they see. The answers amongst the teen girls and boys were pretty consistent.
They made comments about their looks and what they were wearing. They wanted to get the newest fad and would look even better.
The staff commented on tired they were and underappreciated. Everything pretty much appeared as anticipated.
Now the second week, Jennifer and her team took their project to an elementary school. They asked students and teachers to look in the mirror and describe what they see.
Most of the teachers described their excitement to bring new learning to their young students.
But, it was the response from the young children that brought the greatest surprise. They saw everything from happiness, to joy and delight.
One little kindergarten girl came up. She looked in the mirror, then looked at Jennifer and smiled. 'I see my Jesus smiling at me.' She said.
Jennifer knew she had proved the point of her project. When the heart is not overtaken and influenced by a lost world, it can see clearly.
It also taught her a great lesson as well. We have to live every moment with the pure heart of a child. For when we look with the heart we can truly see.
Jennifer got her A. But she was even more grateful for the incredible life lesson too!