Sunday, April 18, 2021

Beautiful Mercy

My Breathtaking Jesus...

There is a precious gift that is there for me every day...
But, by my humanity I don't realize on what it stands
I try to make it through every moment in my own way
Never once realizing the simple fact that only you can.

There are factors in my life that try to define who I am...
But then the breathtaking mercy of your love and grace prevail
You reach out with your anointing to show me your special plan
Factors of blessing from a loving Saviours heart quickly hail.

You show me that I am your child so loved beyond compare...
Nothing will ever take my place in your heart so perfectly
Whenever I need you and call with strength, you will be there
Taking care of everything with real love, grace and mercy.

So when I look at who I am, in total, so completely...
I realize I am defined by your love in me and your grace
Suddenly, it is a new more positive world that I see
As I reach out for the warmth and comfort of your sweet embrace.

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