Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Reach Of Promise

My Wondrous Jesus...

Sometimes I can't see all of the beauty around me...
I am so concerned with worry, doubt, and intense fear
Everything negative are the only things I see
I feel so lost and numb, not even knowing you're near.

But, suddenly a beautiful warmth fills me truly...
A brilliant light starts to illuminate in my eyes
I have a new desire to start things happily
My spirit is in for a blessing and great surprise.

Your healing power and grace begin to restore things...
You're creating a masterpiece in your own way
Showing me what miracles your presence truly brings
Giving me new life for a new and brighter day.

Lord, now I try not to take things badly at all...
For you are always in control especially
Taking care of my needs and hearing me when I call
You will always have the very best in store for me.

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