Friday, April 9, 2021

When My Heart Breaks


The frailty of my ❤ heart is like a fragile stain glass window throughout time...
There are factors that take hold and cause it to wear down and become unglued
Trying to destroy any joy, happiness, and any foundation that you'll find
And hindering any chance for seeds of hope and promise to come through.

Your heart sees what is happening and wants to make some things perfectly clear...
You are the true source, the hope and peace and everything through out it all
When such factors try to take hold with such intense worry and crippling fear
You are there to bring restoration and healing when you hear my heart call.

I should give all things over to you and trust you with humility...
You want me to be forgiving, loving and caring to all at all times
You will begin rebuilding with real love and grace so perfectly
And exciting seeds of hope and promise like nothing I will ever find.

Jesus I know you'll give me the strength to take each step with happiness...
You'll teach me how to forgive and to now only lean on you
I can see something taking hold and can feel so joyful and so blessed
My Jesus you will be my light of new hope my entire journey through.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! Stay strong! God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. That's my mantra when things get tough.


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