Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Shadow Of Mercy


What is more beautiful than the breathtaking reflection of how much you care for me...
You let the awesome light of your forgiveness and compassion shine like never before
I don't ever have to doubt it because you'll be there for all of an eternity
You desire to take care of me and help me feel your peace and so much more.

Your heart has seen my deepest sincerity and has washed me with mercy sparkling new...
I am a new person by your glory and honor so perfect sweet Jesus
on high
I can bring you glory and praise and be an instrument for your Kingdom each day through
Let my spirit be overcome by your power and through your anointing be baptized.

I am grateful for salvation and the gift of your wondrous caring heart true..
Through your gentleness I'll have the chance to come before you and start again
To continue dreaming and reach for an exciting future that brilliant and new
Thank you Master for being everything I'll ever need and my best friend!

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