Tuesday, August 30, 2022

You Are The Perfect Answer

My Jesus...

I feel like giving up and quitting because I'm a failure to the greatest degree...
I've made some mistakes and am not in the position that others say I should hold
I don't think I'll see honest success or the greatest person I can ever be
I feel like I have no value and am the definition of worthlessness untold.

But then, your beautiful grace and 💘 love reaches out to my heart with care and concern...
You want me to remember some important information that comes from you so true
I am sweet 💐 flower from your garden of life and there's much you want me to learn
Everything perfect and amazing in a successful life can only come from you.

You are everything in life worth having and so much more until the end of time...
You hold it all in the precious clutches of your beautiful and holy mighty hands
And with humility, obedience and positive belief I will truly find
Life changing miracles, blessings, and the dynamics of your awesome new plans.

Jesus I realize that my success is found totally in your great name and your 💘 love...
I don't ever have to be fearful or doubt because I know that you are there for me
You are the great answer to everything by your care and love from heaven above
Now I place myself and everything in your hands and rest in your sweet tranquility!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Proclaiming My Honor

Precious Saviour...

When you whisper the words 'my beloved child', my heart fills with 💘 love to its core...
I realize, though I'm not perfect just how much I truly mean Lord to you
You see such promise and a beautiful masterpiece who'll become so much more
And lift me up to begin your creative work as only you can do.

You wash me with your mighty spirit taking from me things that don't belong...
And begin to rain down blessings and traits from your ❤ heart so that I will look like you
I'm given new mercy and forgiveness and a fresh step to sing your life song
Excited to tell others about your perfect grace and love my whole life through

So, I'm going to take your hand and believe in you with every 🚶 step I take...
I am honored that you care about my life and embrace me so perfectly
I am a 'Kingdom Kid' ready to live by honor and such strong Faith
Seeking your will and desire for each moment through all eternity.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

My Prayer Closet


I have found a special place of submission where I come to you on bended knee...
It is a place of peaceful tranquility where I realize what matters at best
A pathway with you as my guide and all of the wondrous blessings I will see
Serving you with such devotion care and happiness.

So I'm in this perfect place to draw closer to you and all that you hold dear...
Concentrating on your anointing and our relationship is all I will need
For when I am in total submission your greatest spirit will draw near
At that point is when I can see my prayer life grow and truly succeed

Jesus here I am in my prayer closet with a heart of love and submission new...
Ready to meet you and your divine intervention now with great love
I want to be a strong prayer warrior with the fire of your life in me true
Come now Jesus and work mightily as you can with hope in me from above!

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Beauty Of The Moment

My Breathtaking Jesus...

The tender moment when I reach for your hand with a love so true...
And desire more than anything for your life changing embrace
Desiring more and more to know just everything about you
Drawing closer to your anointing and seeing your breathtaking face.

You are the sum total of all I ever wanted and much more...
You are the beautiful light of a promise that shows a new day
The ship of hope and love that always takes me to a brand new shore
Perfect grace that shows me the direction to a brand new pathway.

So before I even begin I reach out to you with delight...
You are my life, my breath and the answer to all of my great needs
When I keep my faith in you and always have you in my great sight
I know that you will be by me and as a team we will succeed!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Tender Tear Drops

  There's a cascade of tear drops falling with such anguish and despair...
Collecting in a freefall manner as if no one is around
Driven by fear and stress as if nothing matters and no one cares
Looking for a guiding peace and calm that doesn't seem to be found.

But you gently gather every drop that falls with your hands of 💘 love..
You stop misery and sadness from where it did start
And begin sending healing and restoration now from above
Something wonderful and new is now coming from your perfect heart.

It's a great pathway filled with fresh wonder and a joyful new plan..
The greatest things of promise that only your eyes can truly see
Blessings and delight that are being worked upon by your great hands
Because it is true that you always want the very best for me.

Every tear is now being replaced by a smile from grace..
A perfect happiness that knows my Jesus has it it's true
I don't need a fountain of tears but of joy when I see his face
For by his love and mighty power he will always see me through.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Beautiful Insight


I don't know what people see whenever they look at me..
Their ❤ heart's become filled with something that is not at all true
But I wish with my whole heart that they'd see so perfectly
The genuine part of who I am so clear and new.

A person's definition and beauty comes from their core...
It is who they really are to the greatest and the best
It's a really spectacular picture that is in store
A wonderful unique person filled with such happiness.

So get to know someone for who they really are inside...
The beautiful masterpiece that God created them to be
And you will have a special friend in which you can take pride
Also a great lesson about judging so truthfully!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Heart's Call

Good 🌄 morning, Lord, I'm sitting here feeling so 💔 broken at my very core...
I'm feeling worthless and useless like no one cares in any possible way
I've failed, and am a disappointment who has no great promise in store
Somehow, I don't look forward to the start of each and every new day.

But then a breathtaking horizon starts to shine 🌞 brightly from the ☁ clouds true...
A brilliant light of wonder overtakes the surroundings everywhere
I start to see an insight into a precious, wonderful hope so new
And my heart is filled with a power of 💘 love that shows me someone does care.

The 💔 brokenness begins to slowly mend at a perfect and joyous pace...
A perfect tranquility brings a calm that has never been known before
I find happiness and more in my wonderful new best friends embrace
I want to always walk my journey with Him, study and learn so much more.

I pledge my heart and life to serving Him and 💘 loving Him all the way through...
It doesn't matter if others don't really care He is my everything
I'm honored He calls me His child and is committed in all I do
My Jesus, You are the healing force that I need to bring me comforting.


Friday, August 5, 2022

A Prayer Of Rejoicing

The emptiness and frailty of my heart is getting hard for me to bear...
Knowing that I have no one that I can turn to frightens me every day
You just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel when no one cares
I just don't understand who I am or have many words that I can say.

But then an air of compassion starts to knock upon the door of my heart..
A beautiful sense of rediscovery is born and starts to take place
I am overcome by a true love from which I never want to depart
And a new wholesome meaning and feeling of real purpose I soon embrace.

I am drawn even closer into the essence of your mighty heart true...
Being drawn deeper and deeper into this perfect love I need and more
Jesus you become the very essence of who I am in all I do
I'm watching perfect blessings seal our bond as it flows from Heavens great door.

So I don't have to feel so empty, wonder or search in any way...
All I have to do is come before your throne, lay it down and take your hand
And I will be filled by your love and purpose for me each and every day
Knowing and having faith that it is all in your great will and your command.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

💘 Love From Above

     Hannah sat quietly in her dorm room.  Tears streamed steadily down her face.  She just couldn't fathom the cruelty of time.

   Her kid brother whom she adored was lying in a hospital back home in a coma.  The doctor is not giving much hope.

     Her parents are devastated.  Hannah knows that this is taking a great financial and emotional toll on them.

     She suggested putting college on hold so she could come 🏡 home and help.  Her parents would not hear of it.

     Hannah knew she had to make a decision.  She dropped one of her classes and switched her schedule around so she could take a full time job.

    She didn't want her friends to find out then they would think poorly of her.  Hannah gazed at the clock.  She wiped her eyes, got up and left for work.

    After work, she stopped at the campus chapel to reflect and 🙏 pray.  Hannah wept as she begged God for her brother.

     "You must be a Christian?" A voice asked.  Hannah trembled a bit.  "Oh I am sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you."

  Hannah looked up to see a very kind lady smiling at her.  "Yes Ma'am, Jesus is everything to me!" She answered.  

    "Are you trusting Him?"  The lady asked further.  Hannah thought about that.  She began to tell the lady all about her brother and family.

    The lady took Hannah by the hand and 🙏 began praying for her.  Suddenly a sense of peace filled her heart.

    "Remember one thing" The lady said smiling.  "You are never alone.  Jesus is right beside you."  Hannah thanked the lady for her kindness.  The lady hugged her and said one thing.  "You are loved."

    Hannah went 🏡 home feeling a bit better.  She tried to pray more and read her bible, hoping for her 👪 family.

    Two weeks later, she got a call from her mother.  Her brother had come out of the coma.  Apparently one of her friends uncle is a specialist in town.  He has been treating the boy at no charge and having great results.

    Also her friends started a fundraiser and collected a large sum of money.  It was more than enough to pay all the medical bills and get them back on their feet.

    They also managed a scholarship to pay for the rest of Hannah's education.  She could quit her job.

    Hannah thanked Jesus for His goodness and rededicated her life to Him.  She pledged to start doing things differently starting with living by faith.

    As for the kind lady she never did see her again.  But she knew God sent her a special angel with a special message.

Her 💘 love from above!

Lord, When I Think Of How You Love ❤️ Me

My Jesus... When I think of how You love ❤️ me, my heart overflows with a mighty happiness... I am a special and valued part of Your heart i...