Friday, September 30, 2022

The Power Of Believing

When you feel fear like nothing you have ever felt before...
And you feel very much alone and walking in the cold
You search for strong sparks of encouragement at your heart's core
But there seems to be nothing upon which you can take hold.

You cry out 'dear Jesus, where are you when I need you now?'
But there is intense silence everywhere that you look
Suddenly everything looks a little brighter somehow
And your spirit to its spiritual core suddenly shook.

"Where is your faith in me?" Jesus asked in a calming way...
"Why do you think I'd leave my child whom I adore and love?"
"I am with you and taking care of you every day"
"Even though you cannot see the Heavens are open above!"

I thanked Jesus for the test and lesson He had showed so true...
Much was learned by the heart forevermore in many ways
I asked Him to help me build my faith in all that I do
And to see with His clarity He's with me every day!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Looking For A Rainbow

Sometimes the hardest thing that one can ever do..
You walk with anxiety as clouds pass you by
And harbor such fear and doubt you won't make it through
Carrying heavy burdens with tears and a sigh.

Then a hand of mercy comes knocking wondrously..
And speaks to your heart with wisdom so tried and true
He says watch the rain for the good things you'll see
After seeing the gentle drops promise shone through.

A 🌈 rainbow soon appeared in its glory so bright...
The breathtaking light of His great love soon drew near
There were smiles and peace as glory was in sight
This revelation taught a lesson that was dear.

When clouds appear don't look for fear but faith so true..
And know the rain drops bring growth to something much more
A Rainbow the symbol of God's promise to you
And His anointing from Heaven that is in store.

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Walk Of Honor

My Jesus...

When I wake up in the 🌄 morning, I want to honor you...
And thank you for everything that you have given to me
Another day of life that you will carry me through
And your love that will fill every moment completely.

As I begin on my day's path, I want to honor you...
Asking you to prepare me and teach me so completely
Cover me with your anointing for all that I must do
Let your glory be my guide and protection perfectly.

As I try to find real purpose, I want to honor you...
No matter if the clouds come the 🌞 Sonshine will make a way
I need to remember you are my rock, rugged and true
When I wrap myself in your spirit it will be ok.

My Jesus I want to honor you so beautifully...
I want to show my trust and bring you delight and a smile
When I come before you one day one thing means more to me
To hear those mighty words 'well done my good and faithful child'.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Walking Faith

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I want to live every moment on fire with your spirit so true...
Feeling the bold essence of who you are working and moving in me
Pledging all that I am for your power for what you'd have me to do
And seeing the wonder of your love working so miraculously.

But I want to build a firm foundation which has great faith as its core...
This rugged faith by definition is lived in practice day by day
Knowing that the Lord will take care of it all though you can't see much more
And leaning on you with complete trust will always show the perfect way.

I take one step and turn the light on in my heart so powerfully...
Everything is working well for miracles and blessings at its best
Faith is a catalyst to show us God's best that we will ever see
Real trust is a seed that when planted always reveals happiness.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

When I Call Out Your Name

My Jesus.....

When I call out your name I know that the Heavens open lovingly...
There's an assortment of 🌈 rainbow colors stretched across the morning sky
My ❤ heart feels such perfect peace and an awesome great love that overwhelms me
My spirit begins to sing your praises with gratitude that magnifies.

When I call out your name I know that the brilliance of the sun is 🌞 brighter...
And there is a fresh smell of Thanksgiving and mercy filling the cool air
My mind fills with positivity 
And my mouth with your beautiful word
It is an honor to know I am your sweet child and you are always there.

When I call out your mighty and holy name something great has now begun...
A new life has been rebuilt and restored to start everything new
That's when I know that my yearning and soul searching is finally done
Lord when I call out your name and draw closer I want more and more of you!


Friday, September 16, 2022

You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the breath that gives me strength to take another step every day...
The breathtaking, bright light that illuminates where I am to go
The beautiful gift that keeps me uplifted all along the way
The wisdom and power that always keeps me with all I should know.

You are the precious, purest love that fills my heart so completely...
The sweetest grace and mercy that makes my soul feel wholesome and true
When I want an example it is your compassion that I see
For you are the real purpose of life and I pledge myself to you.

Everything meaningful and wonderful comes from your mighty hands...
I want all things that draw me closer to your wonder and delight
When I need guidance I seek out your holiest, mighty command
And seek your anointing with every fiber of my being and great might.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Burden

Dear Jesus...

You can see such pain and heaviness weighing on my ❤ heart right now...
It is a true conflict and stress that I can hardly even bear
I've been trying to put it out of my mind and move on somehow
But there doesn't seem to be any real solutions anywhere.

You place a beautiful light on me that totally fills my day...
It completes me and begins making something new so perfectly
When I reach out for it I feel a sweet peace in every way
And begins to lift the stress and great heavy burdens off of me.

You take my hand in yours and calm me lovingly with your embrace...
Telling not to feel stress for any reason forevermore
All I have to do is seek your breathtaking love and caring face
You will always be there and be waiting for me at Heavens door.


Friday, September 9, 2022

The Lessons Of Grace

My Jesus..

When people treat me badly and hurt me in every way...
I just want to attack them so they feel all that I'm going through
But then your hand reaches in with peace and words of pure love to say
When I think about how they treated me it's hard to be like you.

You show me how to be forgiven and use your sweet grace so grand...
No one is perfect in this life and understanding should be there
We should be able to extend to all mercy from your great hands
And a perfect love and kindness by which nothing can soon compare.

So I'm learning the mighty grace lesson true and so much more...
For there is something very special that you want me to now see
I must take in and use forgiveness from Heavens mighty door
If I want to have grace and make sure there's forgiveness now for me!

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Worry Shield

My Jesus..

I know that I should not worry by any means in my life it is true...
But this life is not an easy pathway for anyone to truly face
And although I know that you are by my side with help every mile through
Sometimes I need an extra dose of peace and an even greater embrace.

For deep worry has taken over me and every part of who I am...
I have no real sense of happiness or vision in my heart anymore
And if I want to make a real change I need to reach out for your great hands
Then wait with expectation and anticipation at Heavens door.

I have to come to the realization that you are always in control...
I shouldn't let worry overcome me but bring it to you in prayer
For you are creator and provider who will make it complete and whole
You will solve every problem because you are loving and truly care!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...