Thursday, September 29, 2022

Looking For A Rainbow

Sometimes the hardest thing that one can ever do..
You walk with anxiety as clouds pass you by
And harbor such fear and doubt you won't make it through
Carrying heavy burdens with tears and a sigh.

Then a hand of mercy comes knocking wondrously..
And speaks to your heart with wisdom so tried and true
He says watch the rain for the good things you'll see
After seeing the gentle drops promise shone through.

A 🌈 rainbow soon appeared in its glory so bright...
The breathtaking light of His great love soon drew near
There were smiles and peace as glory was in sight
This revelation taught a lesson that was dear.

When clouds appear don't look for fear but faith so true..
And know the rain drops bring growth to something much more
A Rainbow the symbol of God's promise to you
And His anointing from Heaven that is in store.

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