Friday, September 2, 2022

The Worry Shield

My Jesus..

I know that I should not worry by any means in my life it is true...
But this life is not an easy pathway for anyone to truly face
And although I know that you are by my side with help every mile through
Sometimes I need an extra dose of peace and an even greater embrace.

For deep worry has taken over me and every part of who I am...
I have no real sense of happiness or vision in my heart anymore
And if I want to make a real change I need to reach out for your great hands
Then wait with expectation and anticipation at Heavens door.

I have to come to the realization that you are always in control...
I shouldn't let worry overcome me but bring it to you in prayer
For you are creator and provider who will make it complete and whole
You will solve every problem because you are loving and truly care!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful prayer. Worry can overwhelm us, and yet, Jesus can give us a peace that transcends all understanding. I need to remind myself of this daily.


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