Friday, September 23, 2022

The Walk Of Honor

My Jesus...

When I wake up in the 🌄 morning, I want to honor you...
And thank you for everything that you have given to me
Another day of life that you will carry me through
And your love that will fill every moment completely.

As I begin on my day's path, I want to honor you...
Asking you to prepare me and teach me so completely
Cover me with your anointing for all that I must do
Let your glory be my guide and protection perfectly.

As I try to find real purpose, I want to honor you...
No matter if the clouds come the 🌞 Sonshine will make a way
I need to remember you are my rock, rugged and true
When I wrap myself in your spirit it will be ok.

My Jesus I want to honor you so beautifully...
I want to show my trust and bring you delight and a smile
When I come before you one day one thing means more to me
To hear those mighty words 'well done my good and faithful child'.

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