Friday, January 27, 2023

My Refuge

Precious Saviour...

Sometimes, I feel like I'm standing alone in a storm, so grand and true....
I look all around with anticipation for gentle peace and rest
But no matter how much effort I give I can't see anything new
I feel so overwhelmed by unending burdens and crippling stress.

But then Your hands of love reach down and lift me up to a higher plane...
Filling me with Your anointing and showing me just how much You care
I'll never feel alone again and nothing will ever be quite the same
Because the strength of Your presence and power will always be there.

I now have more strength and inspiration in the steps that I may take...
Because my Saviours glory fills every part of me inside and more
All things about Him and His love I now wholeheartedly embrace
All that I will ever truly want or need is found on Heavens shore.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

You Are Always There

Sweet Jesus...

Whenever I need You my Saviour, You are always there for me.....
Like a cooling breeze providing comfort on a hot summer day
You take my burdens upon You in all true strength so completely
And provide happiness and everlasting peace in many ways.

You give me a true glimpse into the window of Your heart so grand...
And show me all of Your mercy, compassion, forgiveness and care
You show me not to worry for You have it all within Your hands
My Jesus all I have to do is call and You are always right there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

My Letter To My Jesus

Dear Jesus...

How can I thank You enough for being the lifeline of love that flows from me...
You are the bridge of new beginnings that keeps me grounded for greater things
You are my sweet source of strength and my everything that flows so perfectly
A never-ending flow of your anointing that's there with all that it brings.

How can I thank You enough for being that refreshing peace that restores...
You are the brilliant blue print that brings wonder to every new day
I can see new avenues of greatness within Your heart I want to explore
My Jesus, I want to draw closer to Your glory more than words can say.

My Jesus, I thank You, praise You, and send all great glory unto You...
I would be nothing without You as my Lord, my best friend and so much more
You are my plan and direction Master in everything that I do
The brilliant, breathtaking lighthouse illuminating every new shore.

Friday, January 20, 2023

My Best Friend


When I come before your throne there's a peace that fills me so completely....
And a great feeling of being special and unique in every way
I know that I'm always welcome and have the joy that you've given to me
To be called Your beloved child whom You adore more than words can say.

I wrap myself in Your presence with delight and expectation true.....
Opening the door of my heart to all the good things You wish to share
Feeling strong and full of encouragement for every hour new
You are my best friend Jesus and throughout it all You will be right there.

So I give all thanksgiving to You with everything that's within me.....
You are my Lord, my breath, my whole life, my hope and my everything
Our bond is so rugged and powerful for all of eternity
My best friend I look forward to all of the times knowing You will bring.

My Precious Lifeline

My Jesus...

When I need rugged strength to ignite my spirit, I reach out for you...
Sometimes, my heart feels so cold, broken and impersonal at its best
My soul needs to be restored by a source that's dynamic and true
You are the greatest lifeline of powerful joy and sweet happiness.

You take me under the power of your anointing that is so grand...
And a movement of your glory so wonderful begins to take place
Suddenly, a miracle begins to take hold within your sweet hands
And your perfect 💘 love and honor begin to fill every time and space.

I can feel such inspiration raising me up to take a firm stand...
There's a new breath of life taking over every part of me
My sweet Jesus, you are my strength, my hope and my foundation so grand
When I need a lifeline restoration, my heart will turn to there.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

As I Look Into Your Heart

My Loving Saviour.....

As I look into the breathtaking garden of your heart so wondrous and true...
I remain in awe at the perfection and clear beauty that I can see
Gardens of hope, blessings, and promise all good things that come from You
And an ongoing river with a light house and endless sweet prosperity.

I see 🌹 roses of every bright color planted on each of the different shores...
And new tree seedlings planted in a very special way
Each one uniquely crafted with a special name and 🙏 prayer at its core
As I look a little further I see my name on this very special day.

It's the moment I know how much I mean to You as you hold me in your ❤ care...
A priceless creation to bring you such happiness and wondrous delight
An assurance that no matter what you will always be the lifeline that's there
You will bring perfect peace, joy and a new horizon you'll care for with all your might.

I am grateful You allow me a glimpse into your heart through silent sweet prayer...
I am excited to see what your anointing and enrichment can really do
Jesus I look forward to all of the truly fine things you wish to share
My Saviour, You are my everything, and I rejoice and give praise to you!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The 🎂 Birthday Pledge

My Beloved Jesus...

Here I sit looking at the amazing blessing that you've given to me...
My ❤ heart is overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of your love and grace
You've bestowed another amazing year that is filled with your love so perfectly
My spirit wants to reach out to be touched by your anointing and held in your embrace.

I know that I'm not perfect and have made mistakes, but you've washed them all away...
You've planted seeds of your promise and hope that will grow into something so brand new
My Jesus I give you my heart and all that I am as you shape a new and brighter day
For the purpose of my life and all that I am or will be is defined in you.

You are the bright 🌄 morning star that fills every part and makes me complete and whole...
As I begin this new pathway adventure, I know that you are always beside me
Keeping warm and in your care whenever the moment should become bitter cold
I sing happy birthday by praising you and pledge to do that faithfully!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A Prayer

My Beloved Jesus...

Please bless this day so abundantly...
Fill it with all things wondrous and true
Give me a glimpse of your heart to see
Jesus I so want to reflect you.

I want your anointing every day...
And your spirit flow in all I am
Your healing touch in every way
Lord I want the movement of your hands.

Come begin your work with awesome zest...
There's nothing more special I will see
Then flow from your heart with happiness
As you make something new out of me!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


My Loving Jesus.....

Thank you for the honor of being called your beloved child and daughter so true...
You see the beauty and honor of who I am and who I can certainly be
You fill me with your anointing and your power so mighty in all I do
As you look into my heart and behold my spirit and soul there's so much you see.

That unwavering forgiveness cleanses me and makes me someone so brand new...
Your compassion gives me the tools to take a step once again
Sweet mercy gives me the wisdom and guidance for all that I need and want to do
Beautiful grace shows the breathtaking love of my Saviour and wondrous best friend.

I am honored to be a part of our bond that is unique and timeless at best...
I can always come to you as I am Lord any time of day
You are my strength who gives me endurance and makes me refreshed
I give all praise, honor and Thanksgiving unto you in all ways.


Monday, January 9, 2023

This Special 🎁 Gift


This special 🎁 Gift I hold in my ❤ heart with a passion that is deep and true...
It is a gift that is fragile and pure with a peace and such happiness
When I stop to consider it all I realize this worth came from you
Something wonderful I can cherish because of your love I am blessed.

Factors of fear try to rob me of the pure joy that you've given me...
Destroying the stable ground and not recognizing it any more
Saying that my existence is over no real success will I see
So with urgency my Lord I come knocking at your heart's door.

You pick me up and cradle me with mercy in your wonderful hands...
You show me how to live every moment with a strength that comes from you 
Make something wonderful and magnificent fitting me in your plans
Lord Jesus. I pledge all that I am and give my whole life to you.

Friday, January 6, 2023

My Guiding Star

My Jesus...

I can see the thick clouds and confusion all around me...
Hearts rushing to and fro with no direction or way
Sometimes I get so stressed out and filled with anxiety
My heart becomes so discouraged I don't know what to say.

I sit with such crippling sadness not knowing where to go...
That's when Your mercy shines like I've never seen before
Beauty and wonder from Your mighty heart begin to show
Suddenly my spirit perks up and wants to know much more.

You show me not to look around but keep my eyes on You...
Your love for me is much greater than words can ever say
The power and anointing in Your hands will see me through
To a more brilliant, promising and hope filled brand new day.

So all that I am is focused on Your heart so pure...
You are my most loving Saviour and all that I will need
Our rugged bond will give me strength and help me to endure
My Jesus You are my lifeline through which I will succeed!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A New Journeys Road

My Jesus...

The journey is fresh and encouraging with a breathtaking horizon before me...
I'm placing all that I am and all that I'll ever truly desire in your hands
Knowing that all things worth having come from your ❤ heart and you'll work it out so perfectly
Jesus You are my everything and I trust wholeheartedly upon Your plans.

You are the beauty and great majesty that brings light to every moment of life...
The song of wonder and new beginnings that bring promise and make it all brand new
I take every breath and look forward to everything free from the burden of strife
Because You are the energetic flame of anointing that ignites my pathway through.

So now as I take my new steps I can see the strength of Your presence right next to me...
I am leaning on all that you are with great faith and trust every 🚶 step of the way
Always looking to Your great love and grace to determine the special things that I see
I know that You will lead me by Your will to a new and brighter day!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...