Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Connection

My Beloved Jesus.....

My heart yearns for more of your power and presence every day...
I want to feel the essence of all things that are the best of you 
To get closer and become connected to you in every way 
Lord please be the ♥ heart beat of life in every thing I do. 

My spirit yearns to feel your anointing alive with a great blaze...
Giving me inspiration and motivation to do the best 
Providing me with victory and keeping me always amazed
That you are my wondrous key to sweet joy and pure happiness. 

If I seek what's true in life I need to stay connected to you...
You are the only answer to great focus and purpose for me
I am your child who should listen to your voice in all I do 
You are my true connection and hope for all of eternity!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful devotion. If we all spent more time going after Jesus (me included) and trying to be more like Him, this world would be a much better place.


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