Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lord, I Feel Broken

My Jesus 

I feel so broken right now in every way..
I don't know where to turn my Savior, any more 
There doesn't seem to be substance in each new day
I am so discouraged and down more than before. 

I reach out for your presence like a light so new..
And desire your sweet anointing more and more 
Please let your hands guide me in all that I must do 
Be the very life that fulfills my spirits core. 

Let your sweet power flow into all that I am..
Healing all of the brokenness with such delight 
Making all line up according to your plan 
Hold me that I may be so pleasing in your sight. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Lord, You Are The Joy Of My Heart ♥


Sometimes it is difficult being happy 😊 in every way...
There are so many factors and sources that get you so down 
Your spirit looks for encouragement to bring sunshine ☀ each day
That special inspiration where sweet, abundant joy is found. 

That is when your heart ♥ calls to me like a beautiful gift 📦 of love...
Letting me know that all I'll ever need is found within you 
I just need to pledge all that I am into your hands above 
And you will be my great strength and source in all that I must do. 

Suddenly, a beautiful ray of light fills me so completely...
I realize now where I can seek my perfect,  true happiness 
When I look to the portal of your heart ♥ I'll see the true me
Finally free from burdens, truly happy, and really blessed!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Movement Of Your Anointing

My Precious Jesus.....

When I see your anointing move like warm oil in a real and magnificent way...
My spirit begins to fill to overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving
For you are my breath of life, my purpose and my reason for every new day 
You are the one and only reason why my heart ♥ rejoices and begins to 🎶 sing.

When I see your anointing move like honey with so many things to now  restore.....
I become more assured about my path with honor,  and unbelievable peace 
I can watch breathtaking blessings flow freely from your heart's shore
Making sure that our bond will grow in time and never cease.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

When I See The Movement Of Your Mighty Hands

My Jesus...

When I See the breathtaking beauty of your anointing flow...
My heart ♥ leaps with such great happiness and perfect, grand delight 
And as I begin to see you there's more that I have to know 
Lord, let your spirit fill me abundantly and with such might 

When I See the wonder of your love and grace spread all around...
I know that something exciting is filling every day 
I want to be there by your side where good things will soon abound
Lord when I'm looking for the right path you are the only way. 

When I See the rainfall of your majesty
at its best 
I know that I will see Heaven's greatest blessings and much more 
Ready to provide the greatest wonder and sweet happiness 
My heart ♥ delights at all of the seeds of life that are in store 

When I See the movement of your hands I want to know how to receive..
You welcome me at your throne with understanding and such grace
Standing  before your presence in awe I fall to my knees 
And my heart reaches out for your sweet  heart with a great embrace 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Miracle Rain

My Jesus...

A miracle is needed now that only can come from you...
A beautiful expression of your unending, perfect love 
Showing your magnificent anointing and your grace so true 
Raining breathtaking wonder from Heaven's mighty shores above. 

It is a light of inspiration needed in every way...
A rainshower of solutions that will fit into every plan
An unexpected answer to bring new hope to every day
A perfect fitting miracle and gift that comes from your hands. 

I can see the door of your heart ♥ opening with such delight...
A mighty miracle is what your presence wants to provide 
Great things begin happening that are so pleasing in your sight 
My heart ♥ begins praising you and your sweet name magnified!

Lord, When I Think Of How You Love ❤️ Me

My Jesus... When I think of how You love ❤️ me, my heart overflows with a mighty happiness... I am a special and valued part of Your heart i...