Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lord, Hear My Heart ♥

My Jesus, 

Hear my yearning heart ♥ at this very moment in time, so true...
It is searching for a touch of your anointing now today 
Waiting to discover an amazing journey from you 
Guided by the light of your grace and love in every way. 

Hear my yearning heart ♥ at this moment sing so sweetly and grand... 
Ready to learn things at your feet and receive all that you have 
I watch for the sweet flow of restoration from your great hands 
Giving you all Thanksgiving for your presence makes me so glad. 

Hear my yearning ♥ heart reach out for all things that you have in store...
Being your dear child is the greatest success to obtain 
When I search my heart with wonder there are many things I want to know and much more 
I know my Savior you'll answer everything so pure and plain. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

A Nation's Cry

Dear Jesus. 

There's a cry sounding so loudly for hope to flow beyond compare...
We're now at the greatest crossroads than anyone has ever seen
A spirit of confusion is showing more than one can bear
We need your mercy to slowly flow with a peace that is serene.

Our country is under attack and needs your love in the greatest way...
We need you to wrap us in your embrace and keep us near your heart ♥ 
Help us to find success and a fresher and brighter new day
Let there be a wonderful sense of sweet joy that seems to soon start. 

There's a cry sounding loudly for prayer warriors to take their place...
We all have to stand up now and together fight for what's right 
For I want to see your hands at work and a smile on your face 
My Jesus,  begin to  move by your anointing with such great might.

Be the light that provides answers that so many are searching for...
Please help us to stand with you now to protect our mighty great land 
We want to be your warriors hand in hand and from shore to shore 
Lord,  the battle line is being drawn please let's see your open, mighty hands!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

You Are My Strength

My Jesus...

My Lord,  You are my strength that lifts me to incredible new heights every day...
The anchor that pulls me from the very depths of my sadness and despair 
You are my guiding force that comes to my side and always makes a wonderful way 
My caring and beloved friend who is always there to care.

My Lord, you are my strength that opens great opportunities large and small...
The Healer that makes sure everything is always just the way it should be
The understanding Savior who is always there the many times my ♥ heart calls 
The vision and dream maker for all time who always sees the best in me.

My Lord,  you are the strength and the future holder with such wonderful things in store...
Raining down such beautiful blessings and such breathtaking promise so abundantly 
My sweet Jesus,  I want to praise you and send all of my sweet glory to Heaven's door 
May you always see everything wonderful that comes from you shining now in me!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sound The 🎺 Horn Of Glory

My Jesus...

Prepare our hearts 💕 to be ready Lord to stand up for your mighty glory so true...
The lines are being drawn in the sand with such fine definition so perfectly 
We want to be prepared to defend your Kingdom and everything that is you 
Please carefully and constructively make a solid warrior now out of me.

This beautiful land that you created is now getting so much darker each day...
Their trying to take away the happiness and the light that's been there for some time 
And try to make our foundation change for good in not a very welcoming way 
Lord Jesus  prepare us and equip us to effectively respond in kind.

Help us to stand up and fight for our nation that you created and so adore...
Stand by us and equip us all along the way as the horn of glory now sounds 
We will stand and watch in awe at the flow of your anointing from Heaven's great door 
Most wonderful and amazing Savior, let the rhythm of revival now abound. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

A Perfect, Unconditional Love

My Jesus.....

It is a perfect, unconditional gift given to me in a beautiful way...
There are no limitations or boundaries that keep it from reflecting such sweet grace 
And when I look at all that it contains there's more that brightens up each new day 
That always manages to place an extra warm and breathtaking smile ☺ upon my face.

It is a perfect, motivational gift 📦 given to me for a great purpose so grand...
It becomes a part of all that I am right now and all that I have dreamed to be
A fountain ⛲ of joy that starts to flow upon a sweet, inspirational command 
And encompasses me in its very center for wonderful and amazing things to see.

A journey blessing, life restoring gift 📦 of making a great difference and so much more...
This gift, my Jesus, is your perfect, unchanging wondrous sweet love 
It wraps me in your embrace, shows me your ♥ heart and all that the journey is for
Jesus, I give thanks for this sweet wondrous gift of peace that my heart can truly dream of!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Making Of A Masterpiece

My Jesus.....

Please take this broken vessel into your very powerful hands..
Instill your forgiveness and mercy and let healing now take place 
See greatness in its most brightest form and have some wonderful plans
Bestow your kindness and care as you take it all into your embrace. 

Please take this broken vessel and let
 restoration be the way..
To begin to make everything exciting and so brand new
Provide your armor and tool belt to make the most of every day 
And give a growing heart strength and endurance in all they do.

Take this broken vessel and nurture a new one coming along..
To serve you fully, live for you and exhault you so perfectly 
Let your Heavenly melody be the heart's forever new song 
A broken vessel is a masterpiece with all things new from thee.

My Lord, When I Reach Out For You

My Lord.....

Jesus,  when I reach out for you I never have to worry or fear..
Your love is all around me at all times ready to help and to bless. 
I just take hold of your hand and your precious grace that is always near
And realize everything I need comes from you and is the very best 

Jesus,  when I reach out for you I know my best friend is by my side..
Ready to be everything I need each day and really so much more 
My light of great inspiration and hope where I will abide 
My Savior, I wait upon you because you have such great things in store!
Jesus,  when I reach out for you, I'm restored in such a great way...
Seeing more and more of your traits and that fear disappear 
Master,  continue working on me for a new and much brighter 🔆 day
I can see your heart's perfect work take shape and now begin to appear!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Just One Whisper Of Your Name


Just one whisper of your name and my heart ♥ is ignited so true...
Like a beautiful horizon that brings hope to each brand new day 
It fills me with all things wonderful for what I may need to do 
And gives me such strength and inspiration along the narrow way.

Just one whisper of your name and my soul fills with music so grand...
I feel a certain happiness and joy I've never felt before 
There's a magnificent amount of gifts flowing from your mighty hands 
And I see the fire of revival now from Heaven's great door. 

Just one whisper of your name and I become more and more like you...
Your love begins to prepare me for all that you want me to be 
I am your instrument and vessel being restored and made new
Just one whisper and I want you to anoint and flow within me!

Monday, August 5, 2024

You Are My Strength


When I feel weary and broken, seeing no other way...
My strong will and mighty ambition have now disappeared 
I take a step not seeing sunshine ☀ or knowing what to say 
My spirit has given way to many sad tears 😭 . 

Your heart ♥ is broken when you see me going through much pain...
You want to give me only the very best all the time 
Suddenly, love, grace, and mercy flow 
like Heavenly rain ☔ 
And the greatest of your sweet heart ♥ begins to become mine. 

I can feel your hands reaching out and embracing me true...
Drawing me closer than I ever dreamed I would be
My pain is being healed as I come closer Lord to you 
You are my strength and success for all of eternity!

Lord, When I Think Of How You Love ❤️ Me

My Jesus... When I think of how You love ❤️ me, my heart overflows with a mighty happiness... I am a special and valued part of Your heart i...