Monday, August 5, 2024

You Are My Strength


When I feel weary and broken, seeing no other way...
My strong will and mighty ambition have now disappeared 
I take a step not seeing sunshine ☀ or knowing what to say 
My spirit has given way to many sad tears 😭 . 

Your heart ♥ is broken when you see me going through much pain...
You want to give me only the very best all the time 
Suddenly, love, grace, and mercy flow 
like Heavenly rain ☔ 
And the greatest of your sweet heart ♥ begins to become mine. 

I can feel your hands reaching out and embracing me true...
Drawing me closer than I ever dreamed I would be
My pain is being healed as I come closer Lord to you 
You are my strength and success for all of eternity!

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