Saturday, October 19, 2024

Lord, You Are My Heart ❤️ Beat

Dear Jesus...

Lord, you are my ❤️ heart beat the center for each new day...
When I feel like everything is crumbling at best 
You expand your love ❤️ within me in a grand way 
And flood me with anointing and true happiness. 

Lord, you're eternal life and spring so true in me...
You plant seeds of great wonder as only you can 
All things that are unlike you fade so speedily 
Suddenly,  the true me is born by your command. 

Lord, you are the beat of life coming stronger now...
A new heart ❤️ 💙 💜 is alive with expectancy 
I know it all will work out perfectly somehow 
Because my Father you are the greatest part of me!


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