Friday, April 3, 2015

Love's Story

A Bystander's Prayer

I stood quietly with great compassion on that day
As the large crowd became greatly enraged all around
As he looked at me, there was nothing that I could say
I was awestruck by the love in his eyes so profound.
Their chants for him to be crucified gave me the chills
I could feel the sadness, and tears flow down my eyes
Why would they want to punish this man of such good will
As they mocked him and treated him so badly to my surprise.
They took him away and led him to a lonely hill
Where they placed a terrible crown of thorns upon his head
He did not say a word and was motionless and still
They nailed him to the cross and he said a prayer instead.
Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do
I stood in awe of the great love that was before me
A mighty Father who sacrificed his son, so true
So that I and others would be forgiven and free.....
That's a love story.....


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