Friday, April 3, 2015

There Is Power And Presentation In A God Centered Heart

The Port Of Devotion And Dedication

A heart that learns the true meaning of a bond with their Creator finds a lifeline for a dynamic journey
     Sometimes one of the most difficult questions for the heart to ask is why.  The journey of life is a diverse package filled with immense joy and intense challenges.  Some of those challenges, though simple in nature, might be clarified by the inner reasoning of the heart.
     But, the genuine ability to comprehend others of a more obscure nature may be difficult.  So, what steps can a journeyman's heart take?  There is power and presentation in becoming a God-centered heart.  Let's look at both issues of this statement.  First, a God-centered heart has great power for a few reasons:  {1} it is firmly in the hands of a dynamic creator who knows all, controls all, sees all and provides all, {2}  it believes in that power and the bond that rests within it.
     That power is propelled by an amazing love.  Just think about the essence of this perfect and amazing love.  There is a mighty Father who sacrifices his only beloved Son at Calvary so that there might be forgiveness in its greatest form.  Think about the statement with great intensity for a moment.  Do you know of anyone who would even think of making such a sacrifice?  The answer is no.
     So a heart that reaches out for its creator with the desire to become God-centered makes the best decision possible.  This means becoming devoted and dedicated to living for him.  This is in no way a restriction by any means.  It is a move of great intelligence and wisdom.  It opens up a whole new world of promise and success.
     It is a chance to grow in that bond, and through the second part of our statement...presentation, become a light of promise for others.  So, how does a journeyman obtain a God-centered heart?  It is really very simple.  Just pledge it to an awesome creator and ask him to fill it with his power and presence.
     Prayer then becomes a conversational connector between two hearts for one common goal.  It is a lifeline that gives the journeyman a plan.  So, on this Easter weekend and always, give thanks for that amazing love.  Always remember how truly blessed you are to make it the highlight and center of your journey.


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