Friday, April 10, 2015

The Terrible Toughness Of Trust

The Port Of Certainty And Belief

A heart that is grounded in pure trust has a better foundation for a successful journey
     Have you ever tried an old experiment when you were a child?  It was more likely a game at the time.  You stand with your back to your friend.  They'll say to you...'trust me', and you fall back, confident that they will catch you.  But, what if they don't catch you?  How do you know?  You could end up with a snoot full of dirt.
     One of the hardest issues to perceive is trust.  But, what exactly is trust?  Trust is the concept of placing complete, blended confidence in someone or something.  What is meant by blended confidence?  This is a combination of pure confidence and assurance.  It is the inner knowledge that someone is a reliable figure in which there is no doubt.
     There are two main sources of trust:  trust in a higher power, and trust in a concentrated source.  Placing trust in a higher power means not only completely believing in him, but, knowing other facts.  In other words, it is an everlasting trust.  God can never fail you or forsake you.  Whereas trust in another person or thing can still lead to imperfection or failure.
     Why is trust important for the journey?  It means allowing the heart to believe.  When the heart has great things to believe in, it can function more effectively.  It is important to believe in your creator and trust, knowing that he will always be there.  It is also important to place your trust in people / things on life's journey deemed important:  family, friends, acquaintances, associates, etc.
     What are some of the potential signs of trustworthiness?  They may include the following factors:  genuineness, character, and directness, just to name a few.  It may be hard in this day and age to trust anyone.  Remember that no one and nothing is perfect, except for God himself.  So, that is why forgiveness becomes a real part of trust.
     A trusting bond when built correctly on a proper foundation endures the test of time.  So, what are the keys to a trusting heart?  The first key as in most everything else is prayer.  The solid relationship with an amazing creator facilitates belief in hope, and enriches the heart with great points for the faith and trust.
     Other keys that might be included are:  belief, hope, happiness, peace, and love and the list could continue depending upon each individual's uniqueness.  Once that strong, trusting heart has been established, it's like turning on the center light in a lighthouse.  It is a powerful source of guidance.  
     So be a prayerful heart today that seeks direction.  Let that strong, trusting heart be created that envisions a powerful and success-filled journey filled with dynamic victory!


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