Friday, April 24, 2015

The Encouragement Factor:
A Light of New Direction

The Port of Wishes and Wonder
The heart that recharges itself with encouragement enriches the spirit to never stop dreaming
     So, if you live in the south, or find yourself a northern transplant like me, you know how bad lightning can be.  Well, lightning is bad no matter where you live.  But, it can be extremely damaging in the south.  People have lost equipment, appliances, and yes, even lives.
     People find themselves investing in 'back-up' answers to help deter the problem.  Things like 'back-up generators' provide a recharging effect and protection for everyday life.  
     Thinking about the journey, something like that would be very beneficial as well.  But, what would be the 'back-up generator' for the journeyman's travels.....encouragement.  The journey is a diverse pathway paved with many different things.
     There will be days when it seems like the sun is shining brightly.  There will also be times when it seems like the greatest lightning storm is taking place.  So, what is this 'back-up generator'?  It is the brightest place in the heart that finds inspiration without any requirements or limitations.
     What are its key components to instill it and keep it, prayer, happiness, imagination and love.  A heart that is powerfully anchored in faith and prayer is standing firm on something genuine to believe in.  
     A heart that is defined by happiness and imagination knows that dreams are quite real and promise is the key.  It is the heart that always sees the best in things and takes great joy in even the smallest of blessings that most efficiently sets up the best 'back-up generator' for the journey.
  A heart that is filled with love always looks for and expects the beautiful component of everything.  So, as a journeyman, get your back-up generator in place.  Put on your greatest smile.  Be prepared for great things!
Mysterious waters are ahead!  Are you prepared?  Get your ticket stamped and get ready!  We are proceeding to the next port now!  All aboard!  Stay tuned please!

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