Wednesday, November 4, 2015

     Have you ever had feelings that you just didn't measure up?  You want so desperately to 'fit in' and be a part of the 'in crowd' that you see yourself in an ill reputed light.
     You are not pretty enough to find the perfect soul mate.  You are not smart enough to find the greatest success.  As you allow factors to establish barriers in your life, you 'chip away' at the greatest essence of who you are.
     But, here is a very special piece of amazing news.  Have you ever seen pictures of the most priceless art in the greatest museums in the world?  Some may interpret them as worthless colaborations and depictions.
     But, it doesn't take away from the fact that it is a masterpiece.  You are worth more than the greatest art in the universe.  You are a masterpiece designed by God's masterful hands.
     How can you let the faulty idea of someone else matter when you were created by the greatest artistan in the universe.  You are priceless, unique, awesome, and very special.
     Why should you ever have to 'measure up' to anyone?  You were designed to be you - God's beautiful child.  He knows everything that you need before you need it:  your soulmate, job, friends, etc.
     So, why worry?  Why let other people and factors degrade your happiness and the wonderful person that God means for you to be?  Let it go now, and begin a new journey.  Let the master artistan continue to build you and shape you into something more beautiful and exquisite than ever.
     Here is the greatest message possible.  Let God write your life description.  Now, that's what they call award winning writing and reading!!!!!
Tickets please!  Tickets!  We are proceeding to the next port of call!  Stay tuned.


  1. This is such a great thing to keep in mind and live by. Really inspiring!

  2. Everyone wants to fit in with the crowd and be cool, and it's worrying with the young especially with social media being widespread. This is a great reminder.


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