Monday, November 16, 2015

     So, what does the word Thanksgiving really mean?  It is not the starting line for the holiday shopping season!  Instead, it is a beautiful status of the heart that should be strong and nurtured all year long.

     Take a moment to try a little exercise.  Go out and get a small pad of paper and a pen or pencil.  Place the following title at the top of the first page:  "The Beautiful Blessings That I am Thankful For".

     Now, on the next line, place the following words:  "Thank you so much, Father, for:"  Next, begin to make a numbered list of every thing that you are thankful for both large and small.

     Remember to include everything, not just the most obvious ones.  Take a look at the list every time that you add to it.  Make it as long as it needs to be.  Throughout each day of the year, this will be your challenge to recite this prayer of Thanksgiving at least once a day.

     There may be days when you feel like you are walking a tight rope.  This is especially the case in today's world.  But, try this exercise instead of complaining or feeling down.  See what a difference that it can make in your own daily life.

     Remember, God is in control.  You never need to worry or fear.  Count all of the good things with genuine hope, and know that the tight rope will become a line of promise.  

     Please give the exercise a try.  It is then on the one day a year Thanksgiving holiday that you can further share your love with others.....God's amazing love!  You can brighten someone else's heart.  So, don't worry about shopping season.  But, instead, make it a sincere season of difference!


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