Saturday, November 21, 2015

     In today's world, it is very easy to feel a sense of pain and hurt inside.  Perhaps someone said something to you or treated you rather poorly.  Maybe it was a boyfriend or girlfriend who, after showing you interest and being there for you, decided to move on.

     Whatever the scenario may be, you were left feeling a sense of worthlessness.  It broke your heart and your spirit.  But, as imperfect human beings, we are vulnerable to such emotions that can tear us apart inside and destroy our joy.

     But, it is at that point when your Creator's heart begins to weep.  He is right there, feeling every emotion and pain every moment of the way.  He then comes down and wraps his loving arms of mercy and love around you and gives you a breathtaking peace.

     He begins to start the healing process.  There are so many wonderful sources of strength that one can rest in and rebuild upon.  These include:  prayer, the kindness of a dear friend, church family, family and of course God.

     Take your friend, kneel together and have a time of prayer and agreement.  But, remember, healing begins at the point of forgiveness and grace.  The other person(s) is not perfect.  Your healing can only begin at the point when you forgive them and give them the grace of understanding.

     Remember, don't let anything have a strong hold in your system but that which comes from God.  He is always there when you call upon him

You see my tears and suffering,
and cry along with me
A perfect peace you come to bring
to set my heart and spirit free.

I call upon you lovingly
you hear it all so true
and come with help so perfectly
how can I thank you.

You start the healing strong
and give your great happiness
Your love is my heart's song
In you I always feel blessed.
Tickets please!  Tickets!  Moving to the next port of call!  Stay tuned.

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