Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thought For The Day*****

A thankful heart knows.....

the real meaning of

true happiness

it is

knowing everything 

is in God's hands of grace


being abundantly appreciative

for every beautiful gift

no matter the size

that comes from those masterful hands


with every step.....

there is an extra strength

with every thought.....

there is an extra idea

with every word.....

there is an extra one

All perfect, ideal and wonderful


it comes from 

a Father's heart of love


on this Thanksgiving

and always

The Thankful Heart

gives thanks.


  1. gratitude is our series this month, and you're right, being appreciative is the key to gratitude. It really is seeing things through another light.

  2. Beautiful and timely. I'm trying to remember to start each day with a heart of gratitude, so that I can embrace my daily challenges from a new perspective. Thank you!

  3. I love reading the things you share! Such a great reminder.

  4. Though I have been very disheartened by the news lately, I is helpful to me to count my blessing, and there are many.

  5. So true and a beautiful reminder. It's important to be thankful because things could always be worse.


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