Tuesday, September 26, 2017


     Okay, here is something to consider.  What do you do when someone that you thought was a really good friend of yours, suddenly does something to hurt you?  There are really only two main choices.  Either you lash out at them or you forgive them.

  Unfortunately the human nature in each one of us would probably reach for the first choice.  No one ever said that being a believer and walking the Christian walk was going to be easy.  It is not easy.  We are in the world like everyone else.

  But, the true point to consider is that we are not of the world.  We are in the image of Christ and are to walk like him.  We are to let his love shine through us wherever we go.  He will walk beside us and help us each step of the way.

  So, back to the original question.  As believers, we must stay true to our Christian testimony and act as the Lord would.  But, how do you forgive someone who has hurt you, especially a friend?

  No one said that would be easy.  We have to ask for the Lord's help.  He will help us not to lash out, but to forgive as he would.  We have to keep in mind what he went through and how people treated him.

  He never lashed out, but simply asked for forgiveness for them.  So, ask God to help you forgive and to heal the hurt.  He will be there whenever you call!

Father please bless each one of my friends and help them to see you in each moment of their lives.  Help them to trust in you and to seek you always.  

All aboard!  Tickets please!  We are proceeding to our next port of call.  Stay tuned!

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