Monday, September 25, 2017

The New Step

     Ben sat quietly in his classroom.  He just could not contain the smile on his face or the joy in his heart.  He was about to complete his first semester in college.  It seemed so hard to believe.  It felt like just yesterday when he was in the mid part of his senior year of high school praying that he would have the chance to go to college.  But, God made the way for him.  

  He bowed his head and prayed that God would be there and help him through his exams.  He knew deep inside that he would.  The Lord was always there for him every step of the way.

  Ben then opened his bible and began to read a few of his favorite scriptures before the test would begin.  Suddenly, there was a loud, unsettling commotion.  The door swung open and some important college officials entered the room.  Ben was wondering what was going on.  He was more fearful when they walked over to him.

  "I'm sorry young man."  The Dean said.  "You will have to come with us."  "What did I do wrong?"  Ben asked.  "What about the exam?"
They promptly escorted Ben down to the main office.  It is there that they informed him he was being kicked out of school.

  "What did I do wrong?"  Ben asked.  "You have engaged in offensive religious actions."  The Dean answered.  Ben gathered his things and went home, practically in tears.  Why would God take him this far only to have everything fall?

  Ben went to church that evening with his parents.  He went in to speak with the Pastor before the service.  The Pastor looked at him and smiled.  "What happened to your faith young man?"  He asked Ben.  Ben looked a bit puzzled.  

  The Pastor reached over and opened his address book sitting on the desk.  He then took Ben's hand and they prayed together.  "Don't let the clouds of the world diminish the light of the love of God within you Ben."  He said warmly. 

  He then told Ben that the local congressman was a college friend of his.  Together, they would go and see him in the morning and explain the situation.  

  When morning finally came, the Pastor picked Ben up, and they drove over to the office together.  The congressman smiled brightly.  He quickly made a call.  Together, they all drove over to speak with college officials.

  Before lunch time, Ben's student status had been reinstated with a large apology.  He was allowed to read his bible, pray, and talk about God when and where he wanted to.  Ben was allowed to retake his exam and passed it with high marks.

  He returned to the Pastor's office to thank him.  "You have to stand strong on your faith."  He told Ben.  "God will defend you and protect you.  Stand up for what you believe."

The end.

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